- 网络BSkyB;British Sky Broadcasting;British Sky Broadcasting Group

A BSkyB spokesman said it hoped to help advertisers offer more relevant adverts .
Some see a spin-off as a way for News Corp to make another stab at buying out BSkyB .
BSkyB plans to launch a3D channel later this year .
Of British Sky Broadcasting 's customers , 37 per cent are now on triple play , compared with 23 per cent four years ago .
He has been forced to close down the news of the world and to abandon a bid for full control of British Sky Broadcasting .
He subsequently moved to the family business and was widely praised for turning British Sky Broadcasting , the satellite television company , into a broader communications company .
British Sky Broadcasting has said it would introduce a 3D satellite channel in the UK next year , but it had been unclear whether there would be equipment available to view it on .
News Corp 's British Sky Broadcasting has since been a pivotal force in the industry .
Sky News , the British news channel run by BSkyB , has admitted hacking emails of individuals suspected of criminal activity but said that it did so in the public interest .
News Corp , his media conglomerate , has spent nine months in political and regulatory purgatory as it tries to buy the 60 per cent of British Sky Broadcasting it does not already own .
In the UK , the fact BSkyB recently paid 24 per cent more than last year for Premier League broadcast rights suggests it might be .
News Corp had moved on from its bid for BSkyB , he told Fox Business , adding that he was much more bullish about America than the UK .
News Corp and BSkyB declined to comment .
BSkyB is trialing a plan called AdSmart , which will store advertisements on their customers'Sky + HD set-top boxes .
But people close to the company say Rupert Murdoch , BSkyB 's chairman , only became involved late in the day .
A French swimmer who has no arms or legs has announced his plans to swim around the world , Sky.com reported .
The New Captain of News Corp. ANCHOR BSKYB has named Rupert Murdoch 's son James Murdoch as its new chief executive .
BSkyB officials stressed that they would not target customers by analysing which programmes individual viewers watch and it would not purchase data about purchasing habits .
Although he likes newspapers , he likes a good business more-and pay-television is a good business , as he demonstrated during a successful spell running BSkyB .
Public outrage also caused News Corp to withdraw its bid for full ownership of BSkyB , a British satellite broadcaster of which it owns 39 % .
Mr Hunt still insists that he adjudicated on the BSkyB bid fairly but it will be nigh-on impossible for any politician to be trusted with a similar role in future .
The two companies plan to extend the partnership to BSkyB 's core television platform , however , by replacing traditional 30-second television adverts with targeted commercials stored on the hard drives in BSkyB 's set top boxes .
It suggested that media tycoon Rupert Murdoch and his BskyB ' galaxy " had been able to throw thousands of pounds into British cycling , giving it an unfair advantage against a country which traditionally sees itself as the home of cycling .
News Corp. [ NWS ] , which currently owns a 39 % stake in BSkyB , already controls the pay television broadcaster ; but analysts and investors felt that it was important for News Corp. to acquire the rest of the company for several reasons .
He has disrupted the media industry around the world with a string of successes , such as the creation of the Fox network in the US and BSkyB in the UK .
BSkyB is party to the correspondence , the regulator said , adding that it would ask all relevant parties for evidence .
Rupert Murdoch faces a growing threat to his British media business , after the UK communications regulator stepped up its probe into whether British Sky Broadcasting was a fit and proper owner of a broadcasting licence .
Ofcom is gathering evidence which may assist it in assessing whether BSkyB is and remains fit and proper to continue to hold its broadcast licences , the regulator said .
After the phone-hacking scandal at News Corp 's British newspaper arm-which is still being investigated by Lord Justice Leveson , a senior judge-the group had to drop its bid for full ownership of BSkyB , a profitable satellite broadcaster ; it already owns 39 % .