
  • 网络the Financial Services Authority;Financial Service Authority;Fsa
  1. 英国金融服务局和美国财政部都坚持采用不会引起争议的普遍性原则,例如将薪酬与风险挂钩、如夸大收入将迫使高管退还奖金等。

    Both the FSA and US Treasury have stuck to uncontroversial broad principles , such as tying pay to risk and forcing executives to return bonuses if revenues are overstated .

  2. 尽管英国金融服务局(FinancialServicesAuthority)是一家警惕性很高的监管机构,但它在起诉一家企业前,会想办法通过非正式渠道解决问题。

    While the UK 's Financial Services Authority is a vigilant regulator , it will try to resolve a problem informally before suing a company .

  3. 这些行动在一定程度上的结合或会受到英国金融服务局(financialservicesauthority)的鼓励(当然最好不是被迫)。

    Some mix of these initiatives could be encouraged ( though preferably not driven ) by the financial services authority .

  4. 举例来说,英国金融服务局(financialservicesauthority)董事会里没有前高级合伙人的身影,而美国证券交易委员会(sec)的5位委员则全部是律师。

    Former senior partners are not represented on the board of the financial services authority , for example , while in the us all five commissioners of the securities and Exchange Commission are lawyers .

  5. 英国金融服务局(financialservicesauthority)周一通知在英国开展业务的各大银行和建房互助会,必须“立刻采取行动”,确保在所有银行家的奖金方案中,将薪酬与长期风险紧密挂钩。

    The financial services authority on Monday told the biggest banks and building societies operating in the UK that they must take " immediate action " to ensure bonus plans for all bankers closely link rewards and long-term risk .

  6. 英国金融服务局(fsa)周三下令,雷德蒙德在两年内不得为任何受监管的公司工作。

    On Wednesday the financial services authorities banned Mr Redmond for two years from working for any regulated firm .

  7. 美国证交会今年不仅与英国金融服务局(FSA)签署了合作协议,而且还与韩国和中国的监管机构建立了合作关系。

    The SEC this year signed co-operation agreements with not only the UK 's Financial Services Authority but counterparts in South Korea and China .

  8. 正因为此,我才强烈支持英国金融服务局(fsa)的声明股东的集体行动不会被视为市场滥用行为。

    This is why I strongly support the announcement from the financial services authority that collective action by shareholders will not be considered market abuse .

  9. 英国金融服务局(financialservicesauthority)昨日提出了两项建议,以消除人们对于英国上市企业规定过多的混淆,这可能为伦敦证交所(lse)主板上市打造一个“强势品牌”。

    The financial services authority put forward two suggestions yesterday to clear up confusion over the plethora of rules for British listed companies , potentially creating a " premium brand " for the main list of the London Stock Exchange .

  10. 凭借传教士般的热情,保诚似乎获得了15个相关亚洲国家大部分监管机构的原则同意,但它还需要说服本国监管机构英国金融服务局(fsa)。

    Although in its missionary zeal Prudential appears to have garnered outline approval from most of the 15 Asian regulators involved , it has yet to convince its home regulator , the financial services authority .

  11. 但英国金融服务局目前的具体规定就在8000页以上。

    But the FSA has more than 8,000 pages of detailed rules .

  12. 英国金融服务局已经与财政部探讨了对内幕交易免于起诉、实行诉辩交易的问题。

    The Financial Services Authority has discussed with the Treasury immunity from prosecution and plea-bargaining for insider dealing .

  13. 但在今年早些时候公布的一份调查中,某些公司向英国金融服务局表示,对公用事业部门的依赖,使它们仍易受到攻击。

    But in a survey earlier this year , some companies told the FSA they remained vulnerable because of their reliance on public utilities .

  14. 明年英国金融服务管理局(FinancialServicesAuthority)解散后,英国央行将接管银行安全性监管。

    The BoE is set to take control of bank safety regulation from a disbanded Financial Services Authority next year .

  15. 普华永道作上述评论时,英国金融服务管理局(FinancialServicesAuthority)正在推动一系列有争议的流动性提议,将要求英国子公司持有更多资产。

    The comments come as the UK Financial Services Authority is pushing a series of contentious liquidity proposals that would involve UK subsidiaries doing just that .

  16. 当我被英国金融服务管理局(FinancialServicesAuthority)传唤时(这是对待非执行董事的一种惯例),我就花了好几周的时间拼命复习。

    When I was summoned before the Financial Services Authority ( as a routine part of being a non-exec ) I spent several weeks beforehand revising furiously .

  17. 冰岛银行landsbanki并不受英国金融服务管理局(financialservicesauthority)监督,却可以吸纳英国零售客户存款。

    Landsbanki was not supervised by the financial services authority , yet could take deposits from UK retail customers .

  18. 英国金融服务管理局(fsa)正理智地朝着这个方向迈进。

    The UK financial services authority is sensibly moving in this direction .

  19. 上周,英国金融服务管理局(FinancialServicesAuthority)对辛哈处以280万英镑的罚款,这是其有史以来就不涉及市场舞弊的违规行为对个人开出的最大罚单。

    This week Britain 's Financial Services Authority hit Ravi Shankar Sinha with a £ 2.8m financial penalty , the biggest ever imposed on an individual for an infringement not related to market abuse .

  20. 现在听一听英国金融服务管理局(FSA)首席执行官桑特是怎么说的吧。

    Now listen to Mr Sants , the chief_executive of the Financial Services Authority .

  21. 他表示,英国金融服务管理局的限制,正是CTA网站只能通过密码访问的原因之一。

    He says this restriction is one of the reasons why CTA websites have password access only .

  22. 英国金融服务管理局(FSA)至少发现了45名银行家的2000份有关Libor报价的不当请求。

    The Financial Services Authority counted at least 2,000 requests for inappropriate submissions from 45 bankers .

  23. 它与巴克莱的交易似乎已接近告成,却遭到了英国金融服务管理局(fsa)的否决。

    Even when a deal with Barclays seemed within reach , the British Financial Services Authority vetoed it .

  24. 上周五,英国金融服务管理局(financialservicesauthority)发布了一项出人意料的公告:对于正在配股的股票,如果空头头寸超过全部已发行股的0.25%,卖空者必须做出披露。

    On Friday the financial services authority made a surprise announcement that short sellers would have to disclose short positions in stocks undergoing rights issues if they amounted to more than 0.25 per cent of the total shares outstanding .

  25. SEC已经与外国监管机构从中国到英国金融服务管理局(FSA)达成了一连串合作协议。

    A flurry of co-operation deals have been struck with foreign regulators , from China to the UK 's Financial Services Authority .

  26. 这项交易完成后,lme仍会留在伦敦,由英国金融服务管理局(fsa)监管。

    The deal will see the LME remain in London , regulated by the financial services authority .

  27. 金融机构现在仍从交易活动中获取高额利润用英国金融服务管理局主席特纳勋爵(LordTurner)的话讲,这些交易本质上没有什么价值。

    Financial institutions are still extracting large profits from trading activities described by Lord Turner , the head of Britain 's Financial Services Authority , as inherently useless .

  28. 本周,英国金融服务管理局(FSA)出台了规范银行家薪酬的新规,要求薪酬更加明确地与公司战略相一致。

    This week the Financial Services Authority launched a new code for bankers ' pay to align it more clearly with corporate strategy .

  29. 中资银行面对的主要问题是,英国金融服务管理局(FSA)不让它们在伦敦设立分行。

    Chinese banks ' main problem is a refusal by the Financial Services Authority to allow them to set up branches in London .

  30. 奥斯本错误地承诺将解散英国金融服务监管局,将其职责移交给自满的英国央行(BoE)。

    Mistakenly , Mr Osborne has pledged to scrap the FSA and transfer its role to a complacent Bank of England .