
  • 网络Shanghai Century Publishing Group
  1. 哈珀·柯林斯出版集团与上海世纪出版集团签订协议,将翻译中国的数学教材并在英国出版。

    HarperCollins Publishers will translate mathematics textbooks from Chinese schools and publish them in Britain , according to its agreement with Shanghai Century Publishing Group .

  2. 文中以上海世纪出版集团的业务重组为案例,具体分析了集成管理在中国出版集团中的实践情况。

    This part is illustrated with a case of Shanghai Century Publishing Group .

  3. 最后,我们还要感谢上海世纪出版集团北京世纪文景文化传播有限公司使我们有机会将知识与读者们分享。

    Finally , we would like to thank Horizon Media Co. , Ltd for giving us the opportunity to share our knowledge with the readers .

  4. 国外的苹果、谷歌、巴诺书店等,国内的盛大、方正、汉王、中国移动,甚至像上海世纪出版集团这样的传统出版单位也纷纷涉足电子书,形成和发展了一些数字出版新的商业模式。

    Apple , Google , Barnes & Noble bookstores in America , and the domestic grand of Founder , HW , China Mobile , even as the Shanghai Century Publishing Group also have set foot into the E-book business and formed a number of new digital publishing business models .