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jǐn suō jù
  • Condensed sentence;contracted/compressed sentence
  1. 紧缩句结构简洁明快,然内容却很丰富。

    Its condensed sentence has concise structure but rich content .

  2. 形式和意义两方面的原因决定了关联标记能否从紧缩句里省掉。

    S is determined by factors from two aspects : form and meaning .

  3. 现代汉语紧缩句研究

    The Study on Compact Sentence in Modern Chinese

  4. 也/都强调紧缩句研究

    Studies on ye / douStressful Contraction Sentences

  5. 《庄子》形容词紧缩句的结构特点和语义类别

    The Unique Structure Feature and the Semantic Category of Adjective Contract Sentence in " Zhuang zi "

  6. 汉语紧缩句探析

    Analysis of Chinese reducing sentence

  7. 紧缩句论略

    Discussion on Abbreviated Sentences

  8. 紧缩句理论的分歧和存在的缺陷是突出的,有进一步阐释的必要。

    The theoretical differences and defect of abbreviated sentences are obvious , which is needed to be interpreted further .

  9. 第二部分,文章分别从句法平面探索紧缩句的句法分类和句法语序的作用,并对紧缩句进行了层次分析;

    Secondly , the article makes a syntactic classification to CS on the syntax level , and points out the value of syntactic order in CS .

  10. 句法平面上,连动句和紧缩句都可以分为前后两个部分,但是二者前后两部分的关系是不相同的。

    In around the syntax plane , the gearing sentence and the contraction sentence may divide into two parts , but around the two two parts of relations are not same .

  11. 《庄子》共有这类句子170句,只有10句不用关联词语,作为紧缩句句型标志的常用关联词语有而、则、虽、故、乃、非等。

    In " Zhuang zi ", there are 170 such kind sentences , only 10 of which don 't use connecting words . The common connecting words which are the sentence pattern symbol of contract sentence are " er , ze , sui , gu , nai , fei " .

  12. 紧缩结构是现代汉语中很有特色的一种结构类型,紧缩结构可以单独成句成为紧缩句,也可以充当单句的句子成分,还可以充当复句的分句。

    The contracted structure , a distinctive structure in modern Chinese , can be the contracted sentence when it is alone and can also be part of the simple sentence as well as the subordinate clause of the complex sentence .