
  1. 一个叛逃到以色列的苏联公民。

    A Soviet citizen who defected to israel .

  2. 由于她和丈夫与政见不同者交往,她被夺取苏联公民身份。

    She was stripped of Soviet citizenship soon after with her husband for their friendship with dissidents .

  3. 苏联公民只有屈服于,合作和保卫克格勃才能获得和维持影响力或特权。

    No Soviet citizen can achieve and maintain influence or privilege without submitting to , cooperating with , and defending the KGB .

  4. 逾2500万苏联公民死于二战期间,几乎每个家庭都与这场战争有着直接和个人的关联。

    More than 25m Soviet citizens died in the war , and there is barely a family without direct and personal links to the conflict .

  5. 苏联时代的公民被禁止出国旅游。

    Soviet citizens were prohibited from travelling abroad .

  6. 1991年冷战期间:乌克兰以压倒性多数同意了从苏联独立出来的公民投票。

    Cold War : Ukrainian voters overwhelmingly approve a referendum for independence from the Soviet Union .

  7. 在我还在前苏联地区做记者的时候,对于未经审讯的苏联公民可能被投入监狱长达数月,美国人会予以愤怒的呼喊。

    Back in the days when I was a reporter in the Soviet Union , Americans would howl in outrage at the idea that Soviet citizens could be tossed into prison for months on end without trial .

  8. 苏联解体,不是因为其难敌美国的经济和军事实力,而是由于数以百万计的苏联公民要求自决权&列宁曾作出承诺,但苏联政权从未兑现这个承诺。

    The Soviet Union did not buckle beneath the weight of US economic and military might . It was pulled apart by millions of Soviet citizens who demanded the self-determination that Lenin once promised and Soviet power never delivered .