
dǎo gē
  • Defection;change sides in a war;turn one's coat;transfer one's allegiance;turn the gun round
倒戈 [dǎo gē]
  • [change sides in a war;transfer one's allegiance] 军队投降敌人反过来打自己人

  • 前徒倒戈,击于后以北。--《书.武成》

倒戈[dǎo gē]
  1. 执政党已有好几位党员倒戈。

    There have been several defections from the ruling party .

  2. 直到周五晚上首相的3位高级内阁同僚倒戈并辞职以示抗议时,首相才有所反应。

    The prime minister only reacted when three of his senior cabinet colleagues revolted and resigned in protest on Friday night

  3. 2011年,稳健货币政策的两大传统堡垒欧洲央行(ecb)和瑞士央行(snb)倒戈,转投通货再膨胀阵营。

    In 2011 , the European and Swiss central banks , traditionally bastions of hard money orthodoxy , defected to the reflationist camp .

  4. 在班加西(benghazi),反叛力量领导人表示,他们听说由卡扎菲儿子指挥的哈米斯旅(khamisbrigade)的一个上校已经倒戈。

    In Benghazi , rebel leaders said they had heard that a colonel in the Khamis brigade , led by the son of the Libyan leader , had defected .

  5. 由倒戈军人和其他反政府武装人员组成的松散集合叙利亚自由军(freesyrianarmy,简称fsa)通过网络发表声明称,为了不伤害数以千计的平民,它已选择“战术撤退”。

    The free Syrian army , the loosely affiliated group of defected soldiers and other armed opponents of the regime , said in a declaration circulated on the Internet that it had opted for a " tactical retreat " to spare thousands of civilians .

  6. 目前尚不清楚支持hd-dvd格式的电影公司是否会倒戈,不过据悉,派拉蒙保留了转而支持蓝光的权利。

    It was unclear whether the studios backing HD-DVD would change sides , although it is understood that paramount has reserved the right to switch its backing to Blu-ray .

  7. 伊亚德·阿拉维(IyadAllawi)是领导议会中主要逊尼派集团的一名世俗什叶派,并且是马利基的首要反对者,然而党内倒戈已经削弱了他的力量。

    Iyad Allawi , a secular Shia who heads the main Sunni bloc in parliament and is Mr Maliki 's chief opponent there , has been weakened by defections from his party .

  8. 越来越多人向我们倒戈。

    More and more people are coming over to our side .

  9. 士气低落,后座议员中已经有几人倒戈。

    Morale was low and several backbench revolts had occurred .

  10. 罗马尼亚突然倒戈,对德国宣战。

    Rumania has suddenly changed sides , and declared war on Germany .

  11. 明朝军队的大部分人马向满族人倒戈。

    Large part of the Ming Army mutinied to the Manchu banner .

  12. 我是倒戈了,但是我现在自由了

    I was compromised , but I 'm clear now .

  13. 但在他倒戈之际,有进一步迹象显示,叙利亚的不稳定正在加剧。

    But his defection came amid further signs of intensifying instability in Syria .

  14. 他完全明白奥斯汀突然倒戈转向的奥秘。

    He knew exactly why Austin had switched sides .

  15. 我们应该在所有频道发布倒戈者将获得现金奖励的公告。

    Messages should be carried on all channels offering cash rewards to defectors .

  16. 倒戈的士兵在不同的小组工作。

    Defecting soldiers worked in small and disparate groups .

  17. 背教的牧师、叛变的间谍、倒戈的士兵。

    A renegade priest , spy , soldier .

  18. 叙利亚自由军组织松散,主要成员是倒戈的叙利亚军人。

    The FSA is a loosely-organized rebel group comprised largely of Syrian military defectors .

  19. 你怎么让她倒戈的

    How did you turn her against me ?

  20. 经销商“倒戈”行为的博弈分析

    A Game Analysis on Turnover Behavior of Dealers

  21. 否则,该党可能会在明年的上议院选举中遭到选民倒戈。

    If not , it risks an electoral backlash in upper house elections next year .

  22. 当思想牛市崩盘时,就会发生这种思想倒戈。

    This kind of ideological whiplash is what happens when an intellectual bull market crashes .

  23. 倒戈:内蕴的灵能效果将以使用者为目标而非指定目标。

    Backfire : The imbedded psionic effect targets the user instead of its intended target .

  24. 此外,密苏里和北卡罗来纳也很有可能出现在向奥巴马“倒戈”的名单上。

    Other states likely to be high on the Obama'turn'list : Missouri and North Carolina .

  25. 忘记那些时常不去攻击敌人反而倒戈相向的不听话的火元素吧!

    Forget those uncontrollable Fire Elementals that are always attacking you instead of your enemies !

  26. 这事拖得越久,媒体就越容易倒戈来谴责我

    The longer this goes on , the more likely the media is gonna crucify me .

  27. 总统宣布,所有现在倒戈支持他的人都可以得到赦免。

    The president announced that there would be an amnesty for all who now came over to him .

  28. 来自叙利亚的报告显示,军队倒戈之后,武装部队包围了东部一个城镇。

    Reports from Syria suggest the armed forces have surrounded an eastern town after defections from the army .

  29. 商业银行发展国内保理业务法律问题探究&由爱立信倒戈引发的法律思考

    On Legal Problems of Commercial Banks Developing Domestic Factoring Business-legal Thought on " Counter Charges " of Ericsson

  30. 当时智诚医药联合新先锋临阵倒戈,主要是看重派纾巨大的市场需求。

    Then Zhicheng medicine pioneer new joint sweep , the main value is allocated to the huge market demand .