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  1. 研究古苏国地理及其疆域,应区别古温国与古苏国。

    A distinction between ancient Wen state and ancient Su state is imperative in studying the territory and boundary of ancient Su state .

  2. 我的这个意见,和英美苏各同盟国的意见是完全一致的。

    My view is completely in accord with that of the Allies , Britain , the United States and the Soviet Union .

  3. 反思20世纪的中、日、俄(苏)3国关系史,我们可以得到许多经验教训。

    We should learn a lot of experiences and lessons from rethinking the history of Sino-Japan-Russia ( the Soviet Union ) trilateral relations .

  4. 1968年美国烷基铝的总产量已达2.5万吨/年,英、德、苏、日等国均有生产。

    The output of American alkyl aluminum has amounted to 25,000 tons each year in 1968 . UK , Germany , Soviet , Japan and other country have the production also .

  5. 苏颂是我国北宋时期的一位伟大人物,后人对其历史功绩的评论颇多,但其间亦有贬抑之词和自相矛盾之处。

    Su Song was a great figure in the Song Dynasty ( 960 ~ 1126 ) . Together with the high comments contributed to him , there are words of depreciation and misunderstanding .