
huā zhǒng
  • Flower seed;seeds of flowering plants
花种[huā zhǒng]
  1. 下周,《今日》杂志将举行庆祝活动,免费赠送大量花种。

    Next week TODAY is celebrating with a great giveaway of FREE garden seeds .

  2. 用BLUP方法估计北京市黑白花种公牛育种值的研究

    Studies on the estimation of breeding values of Beijing black-and-white bulls by BLUP Method

  3. 修改、增补了常见单一花种蜂蜜的感官特性。

    Organoleptic properties for common unifloral honey are modified and supplemented .

  4. 增加了常见单一花种蜂蜜的感官特性描述;

    Description for organoleptic properties of common unifloral honey is supplemented ;

  5. 种上药草或者花种,放在窗台上等它长成吧。

    Plant herb or flower seeds , and put in the windowsill .

  6. 老人也把花种在了心里。

    The blind man also grows flowers in his heart .

  7. 通常农夫不把粮食和花种在一起。

    Farmers don 't usually grow crops and flowers together .

  8. 补饲微量元素锌对黑白花种公牛冷冻精液品质的影响

    The effect of zinc supplement on frozen semen quality of Holstein-Friesian bulls

  9. 父亲在院子里播了些花种。

    Father planted some flower seeds in the garden .

  10. 例如,蓝色和白色的花种在一起。

    For example , beds of blue and white flowers were planted together .

  11. 三个山茶花种(品种)香气成分初探

    Preliminary Studies of Aromatic Constituents among Three Species ( Variation ) of Camellia

  12. 丹麦黑白花种公牛与不同品系黑白花母牛杂交组合配套的研究

    A study on cross combinations of Danish Holstein bulls to other strains of Holstein cows

  13. 他把一些花种在花盆里,11月份,一棵卡特兰开花了。

    He potted some of them up and in november , one of the cattleyas bloomed .

  14. 广东五桂山四药门花种群生态学研究桂西南岩溶地区珍稀濒危树种育苗与造林初报

    Preliminary study on seedling and afforestation of rare and endangered trees in karst region of Southwest Guangxi

  15. 落叶灌木产于北美洲西部具有长穗粉花带有花种形白色浆果。

    Deciduous shrub of western North America having spikes of pink flowers followed by round white berries .

  16. 在花园里,克鲁斯种植了球茎并培育了花种,从而将郁金香介绍到了荷兰。

    At the botanical garden , Clusius cultivated the bulbs and seeds and thus introduced the flower to Holland .

  17. 七子花种群内的遗传多样性与土壤总氮呈极显著的正相关。

    The correlation analysis showed that the genetic diversity within populations was significantly positively related with the soil total nitrogen .

  18. 这些难得一见的雨水滋润了干旱的土地,也唤醒了沉睡多年的花种,使得千万朵野花在当地盛然绽放。

    The above-average rainfall was enough to trigger the growth of millions of wildflower seeds that have been dormant for years .

  19. 容易种植的郁金香在16世纪掀起了种植热潮,现在仍然是家庭花园中最受欢迎的花种之一。

    The easy-to-grow tulip gave rise to Tulipmania in the 16th century , and continues to be one of the most popular flowers gracing home gardens .

  20. 在春天的季节里这些小白色的花种主要遍布于新西兰南岛的西岸。

    These small white spiky flowers are honeybee favorites and are prominently found during spring seasons at the West Coast of New Zealand 's South Island .

  21. 作者用在成渝两地使用的26头黑白花种公牛的2126头女儿的头胎产奶记录,应用上述方法对26头公牛进行了评定。

    2126 first lactation records were used to evaluate 26 bulls in Chongqing and Chengdu . The results showed that these methods were on the whole the same in sire evaluation and ranking .