
huā tīng
  • drawing room;parlour
花厅 [huā tīng]
  • [parlour] 客厅

  • 客人在西花厅稍事休息

花厅[huā tīng]
  1. 这枯哑的笑声在花厅里回荡,很单调地射进他的耳朵,他这才意识到两个女子的吵闹已经在不知道什么时候无条件终止了。

    His hoarse voice filled the room , and not until he heard it himself did he realize that the women 's brawl had somehow stopped completely .

  2. 火把和喊声又从花厅后面来了。三个人拖着曾沧海,其中一个便是阿二。

    Shouts were heard and torches flashed in the back of the house , and soon three men , one of whom was ah erh , dragged Tseng tsang-hai into the room .

  3. 这天下午,曾沧海躺在花厅里的烟榻上生气,却并不是又受了镇上“新贵”们的排挤,而是因为吴荪甫打来的“报丧”急电到的太迟。

    This afternoon , Tseng tsang-hai was fuming on his opium-couch , not because he was being hounded by the " new nobility " again , but because the telegram from Wu sun-fu announcing the death of his father had arrived much too late .