
  1. 花杂性,小,白色,排成复伞形花序。在哺乳类的物种中,已知有许多类型的染色体内部重新排列。

    Flowers hermaphrodite , small , white , arranged in compound umbels . In mammalian species , a variety of chromosomal rearrangements are known to exist .

  2. 一年生有轮生叶子和小白绿色花的杂生野草;广泛分布于北美洲。

    Annual prostrate mat-forming weed having whorled leaves and small greenish-white flowers ; widespread throughout North America .

  3. 本文测定了茶花、油茶花和杂花粉中蛋白质和氨基酸的含量。

    The contents of protein and amino acids in pollen of tea , tea-oil tree and the mixed pollen with other plants were determined .

  4. 格子花呢大红杂绿的红毯子。

    It was plaid , mostly red with some green in it .

  5. 新麦草-杂花苜蓿和杂花苜蓿-新麦草-扁穗冰草草地在轻度放牧下,总净生长量增加,在中度和重度放牧条件下分别表现为等补偿性生长和欠补偿性生长;

    The other two mixed pastures dominated by alfalfa , Russian wildrye and crested wheatgrass showed extra-compensatory growth under light grazing intensity , equal-compensatory and under-compensatory growths with medium and heavy grazing intensities respectively .

  6. 两性花类67.3%,杂性花类5.1%,单性花27.5%,雌雄异株种数多于雌雄同株。

    In the seed vine sexual system , the bisexual flower account for 67.3 % , the polygamous flower 5.1 % , the dioecism 20 % , and the monoecism 7.5 % .