
  1. 但一些社会科学家对此提出了尴尬的问题,提出了艺术经典只不过是历史事件的化石的可能性。

    But some social scientists have been asking awkward questions of it , raising the possibility that artistic canons are little more than fossilised historical accidents .

  2. 当代艺术经典在范围上越来越全球化;来自任何地方的艺术家都可能获得高价,而那个光滑的白色立方体(WhiteCube)已经成为国际标准。

    The contemporary canon is increasingly global in scope ; artists from anywhere can garner top prices and the sleek white cube has become an international standard .

  3. 设计艺术经典论著选读。

    Classical selected reading in art design ii .

  4. 过往时代的艺术经典往往是一名初学者最得力的导师。

    The classic art in the past are often the most effective for a beginner .

  5. 今天的设计是现代艺术经典美学风格进一步演变的结果。

    The design today is considered the further evaluative result of the classical aesthetics of Modernism .

  6. 对中国文化的研习,对西方艺术经典的景仰与追慕,李奇安的绘画在探索中坚守着他独有的东方意趣。

    With studying Chinese culture and respect and admiration for the western classic , Li Qi'an keeps his particular eastern interest in his painting .

  7. 在探寻和传播文化艺术经典的旅程中,千寻希望用这款嘻哈版产品,与大家分享幽默的艺术。

    In the process of exploring and transmitting traditional culture , Volitation is trying to share the art of amusement by presenting this stylish wallet .

  8. 原生态生活环境生成的歌唱风格的天然性,歌唱心理的淳朴性,是形成其歌唱艺术经典性的主要原因。

    The natural singing style originated from the " bioplast " life environment , the simplicity of the singing mentality is the main cause of the forming of the classics of her singing .

  9. 在纵览西方及经济较发达国家公共艺术经典之作后,对我国都市公共艺术在全球化背景下的现状进行分析,并对我国现代都市公共艺术的发展提出几点建议。

    After taking a sweeping view of the classic western and other developed countries ' public art , it analyses the present situation of public art in Chinese city under the background of globalization . It also gives some advices on the development of public art in modern city .

  10. 这将成为高净值人士艺术的经典主题。

    That will become a classic theme of HNWI art .

  11. 瑞特·巴特勒:反讽艺术的经典

    Rhett Butler : A classic of Irony

  12. 领略悉尼海上歌剧院的风情,观赏世界建筑艺术的经典。

    Sydney Opera House to enjoy life in the sea , viewing the world of classical art of architecture .

  13. 这部著作是中国古代园林艺术的经典之作,被奉为世界上最古老的造园专著,是中国传统宜居思想的精华。

    A classic work on ancient Chinese garden-building , it has been esteemed as the most ancient monograph on garden-building and the quintessence of traditional Chinese housing concepts .

  14. 他所创作的笑脸已成为中国当代艺术的经典,但耿建翌却认为油画限制了自己的艺术创作,从而转向摄影、装置等观念艺术。

    These faces became an iconic image in contemporary Chinese art , but Geng Jianyi felt limited by painting and moved on to investigate photography , installation and conceptual art .

  15. 而西洋歌剧是以歌唱为中心的戏剧,集器乐、声乐、舞美之大成,是音乐与戏剧的最高综合形式,是西方戏剧艺术的经典代表。

    Singing opera is based on the Western-centric dramas , set instrumental , vocal epitomize , music and drama is the highest integrated form of the classic Western drama on behalf of the arts .

  16. 他拍摄的影片成了艺术片的经典之作。

    The movies he made became art-house classics .

  17. 是陈逸飞艺术风格的经典杰作。

    Is a typical example of Chen 's style .

  18. 《红色英勇勋章》,被公认为美国文学史上的一部极具艺术价值的经典作品,作者斯蒂芬。

    The Red Badge of Courage has been widely acknowledged as a classic in American literary history .

  19. 影视已是大众喜闻乐见的综合艺术,而经典影视歌曲作为一门特有的声乐体裁,在音乐活动中占有独特的位置。

    As comprehensive arts , film and Tv are loved by the general public . Classic film and Tv songs as a unique vocal title , occupies a unique position in music activities .

  20. 《出埃及记》是圣经文学中最富艺术性的经典叙事文本之一,它主要讲述了英雄摩西带领以色列人出埃及到西奈山领受十诫的故事。

    Exodus is one of the most classical narrative texts of Biblical Literature . It mainly tells the story of Moses who led the Israelites out of Egypt and through the wilderness to Mount Sinai where he received the Ten Commandments .

  21. 连环画是中国传统艺术门类的经典样式,从兴起、发展、鼎盛到边缘,有着外在与内在的双重原因,这值得研究、反思,并促使其重新崛起。

    Serial pictures are kinds of traditional chinese art of the classic style , from the rise to development and its edges , with the external and internal dual reasons , this is worthy of study and reflection and promote the emergence .

  22. 艺术教育与文学经典的定位研究

    The Orientated Research on Art Education and Literature Classics

  23. 此片深受国家领导和专家的一致好评,是一部具有极高欣赏价值和收藏价值的文学艺术巨片和历史经典。

    The programme got favorable comments from the leaders of the country and the experts . It 's a magnum opus of historic significance which is worth appreciating and collecting .

  24. 上历史课的时候,讲到古希腊和罗马时,我们谈到的是战争、文学、艺术、还有那些经典文明所创造出来的发明。

    In history class , when we learnt about ancient Greece and Rome , we were taught about the wars , literature , art and invention of those classical civilisations .

  25. 作为文明载体的中国古代文化典籍卷帙浩繁,中国是诗的国度,诗歌艺术是中国文化经典中一支灿烂的奇葩。

    As a carrier of civilization voluminous texts of ancient Chinese culture , China is the land of poetry and poetry in classical Chinese culture and art is a brilliant wonderful work .

  26. 这是一部比那些大部头小讲显得短小的多的长篇小讲,但它异样具有大部头小讲所具有的震撼人心的效果,以及高明的艺术造诣,可谓经典名著中的模范作品。

    This is a voluminous than those of the novel seem more short novel , but it also has a voluminous novel has the stirring effect , and superb artistic skills , is a classic example of the classic works .

  27. 《日瓦戈医生》在中国的诠释经历了官方话语、专家话语和大众话语的转换;《日瓦戈医生》在中国先后被判断为政治小说、艺术劣作、艺术经典;

    The interpretation of Doctor Zhivago in China has changed from official discourse , specialist discourse and popular discourse Doctor Zhivago has been regarded as political novel , a bad work and a classics .

  28. 纵观中西方美术作品,母性题材一直是艺术家乐于表现的题材之一,有关母性形象的艺术创作也是艺术史上的经典主题之一。

    Throughout the works of Chinese and western art , motherhood theme has been one of the art themes that artists are willing to express . And related art creations about the maternal images are also one of the classic themes in the history of art .

  29. 赵元任先生是我国五四时期新音乐的代表人物,他所创作的艺术歌曲成为21世纪艺术歌曲的经典之作。

    Mr Zhao Yuan-ren was a representative of New Music in May the Fourth Movement and his artistic songs have become classics of artistic songs in the twenty-first century .

  30. 它们不仅是展示当代艺术的空间,更是建筑艺术中的经典。

    What they have exhibited are not only artistic space , but also classic architectures .