- 网络artistic impulse

Literature and art stem from the artistic impulse for appreciation , love , pursuit and creation of beauty .
who simultaneously with every action follows a natural artistic impulse , who accomplishes his speech with a little singing , in order that he may immediately break forth into full song at the slightest emotional excitement .
Apollo and Dionysus are two key concepts in Nietzsche 's aesthetics and represent two artistic impulses in human instinct .
Thus these two art drives must unfold their powers in astrict proportion , according to the law of eternal justice .
Of him it may be said that the extraordinary richness of his critical gift had helped to produce , as in the case of Lessing , an authentic creative offshoot .
Having set down these general premises and distinctions , we now turn to the Greeks in order to realize to what degree the formative forces of nature were developed in them .
The second part is a general introduction to Nietzsche 's tragic thoughts in four aspects , namely , tragic themes , tragic spirit , two impulses of tragic art and tragic effect .
At this stage artistic urges are satisfied directly , on the one hand through the imagery of dreams , whose perfection is quite independent of the intellectual rank , the artistic development of the individual ;
that is , we discovered that the discrepancy was closely bound up with the very origin and essence of Greek tragedy , as the expression of two interacting artistic impulses , the Apollinian and the Dionysian .
Its tremendous distribution , as well as its constant proliferation wherever we look , attests the strength of that dual generative motive in nature : a motive which leaves its traces in folk song much the way the orgiastic movements of a nation leave their traces in music .
Hindrance factors play an important role in the impulse of artistic creation .
Brief Comments on the Impulse of Artistic Creation
From the beginning of art creation , the art product has been only painting and sculpture and this lasted a thousand years .
Game and Art & Schiller 'S theory of game impulse and its rational core , historical confinement and cultural significance
Throughout the history of humanity the urge to artistic expression has been almost as powerful as the urge for food , shelter , and procreation .
The same drive which called art into being as a completion and consummation of existence , and as a guarantee of further existence , gave rise also to that Olympian realm which acted as a transfiguring mirror to the Hellenic will .