
  • 网络Artist's Life;Lives of the Artists;La Vie D Artiste
  1. 在很多程度上改变了艺术家的生活

    In many cases changing artists ' lives .

  2. 他也坦言他很乐意离开电影去过一种音乐人或艺术家的生活。

    He says he would gladly leave films for the life of a musician or artist .

  3. 鲁本斯故居现在已被改造为博物馆,展示这位著名艺术家的生活和艺术。

    Rubens House is nowadays turned into museum , devoted to the life and art of this notable artist .

  4. 您好我的名字是蒙塔加凯恩,我是一个17岁的宾夕法尼亚州的数字艺术家的生活。

    Hi my name is Mountaga Kane , and I am a17 year old digital artist living in Pennsylvania .

  5. 于是,同性恋作为古希腊的一种生活方式,被实践于许多艺术家的生活中。

    Therefore , homosexual was practiced as an ancient Greek life style by many artists in their own life .

  6. 他称这整部作品为一个艺术家的生活片断,并说那是他炽烈的激情的展现。

    He called the whole work Episode in the Life of an Artist , and referred to it as the development of his infernal passion .

  7. 即便是众说纷纷,莫衷一是,但是一切的艺术创作当然与生活有着紧密的关联,甚至艺术家的生活本身即是作品的构成部分。

    No matter how different people think about it , the truth is that all art makings are closely related with life , and even artist 's life is involved in the art .

  8. 艺术家丰厚的生活积累和多种感觉能力的和谐发展,是发挥通感审美效应的关键所在。

    The life-experiences and multiple perceptiveness in harmony are the key to the functioning of artistic transfer .

  9. 本文从关注老艺术家王昆的艺术生活入手,探寻其声乐表演艺术风格的形成原因。

    The thesis starts with focus on the life of Wang Kun , an old singing artist , and then goes on to explore the cause of the forming of her style in singing performance .

  10. 你最喜欢的歌曲和艺术家变成你的日常生活中熟悉且安慰的一部分。

    Your favorite songs and artists become familiar , comforting parts of your routine .

  11. 摄影作为一种被侵占的领域,被艺术家和政治艺术家极端的生活方式所附体,或是另存为另一个版本的时候,它呈现的可能性还有哪些?

    Photography , being an invaded domain by artists and possessed by their extreme life style , does it still have other possible way of presentation ?