
  • 网络Depth;color depth;bit depth;Deep Color
  1. 利用资源处理工具减少PNG的分辨率和色深。

    Take advantage of resource-processing tools that reduce PNG resolution and color depth .

  2. 您可以看到identify显示了一串关于图像文件的有用信息,如以像素为单位的图像大小、图像的色深以及图像的格式。

    You can see that identify displays a bunch of useful information about the image file , such as the size of the image in pixels , the color depth of the image , and the image format .

  3. 表明CL-2具有更优秀的匀染性和高的表观色深值,有利于匀染和染料利用率的提高。

    It showed that CL-2 has excellent level dyeing property and can improve the use rate of dyestuff .

  4. 结果表明,当pH值为5时,在110℃染30~40min后聚乳酸纤维能获得稳定的染色效果,但需小心控制还原清洗条件,否则会造成色相和色深明显变化。

    The results showed that the most favorable effects were obtained at pH value 5 , temperature 110 ℃ and time 30 ~ 40 min , but the reductive cleansing conditions should be carefully controlled , otherwise it will lead to obviously change in hue and color depth .

  5. 墨西哥啤酒,与科罗娜比色深及风味多些。

    It is a mexican beer , darker than Corona with more flavour .

  6. 前翅色深而后翅带红色斑点的蛾子。

    Moth having dull forewings and red-marked hind wings .

  7. 双锥环的最大半径间隙东半球沙锥鸟,体大、色深。

    Radial gap of double-cone ring Old World snipe larger and darker than the whole snipe .

  8. 对于这个示例,16位是所有硬件都支持的最高色深。

    For this example , 16-bit is the highest color depth all of the hardware will support .

  9. 背腹面各节皆环绕有棘刺6-8列,棘长色深:虫体末端梳状棘刺与Ⅰ期幼虫相比,数量增多,棘刺变大。

    Each segment is surrounded with six to eight rows of denticles dorsally and ventrally which are long and dark .

  10. 其中真丝双绉转移印花后表面色深值、色相和鲜艳度较棉和苎麻更接近于涤纶织物。

    Compared to cotton and ramie , the resulting colour characteristic on silk is more similar to that on polyester fabric .

  11. 磁性防伪油墨具有外观色深、检测仪器简单、防伪效果突出等优点,是一种重要的特种防伪油墨。

    Magnetic ink is a kind of important special anti-forgery ink , with dark-color appearance , simple testing equipment , remarkable anti-counterfeiting .

  12. 波尔多一级山坡地红酒强烈而色深,其中的一些非常出色。

    The red wines of Premi è res C ? tes de Bordeaux are colorful and strong . Some of them are excellent .

  13. 结果患者月经量多、痛经、经色深等血瘀证表现出现频次较多。

    The results showed that the manifestation of blood stasis , such as excessive volume of menses , dysmenorrhea , and deep red color , were present frequently .

  14. 半球体一个对称的、近似球体的物体的一半,如被对称面分开者东半球沙锥鸟,体大、色深。

    A half of a symmetrical , approximately spherical object as divided by a plane of symmetry . Old World snipe larger and darker than the whole snipe .

  15. 当前的样式和图标有很大的色深并使用了许多颜色,所以如果您确实需要超过这个尺寸,那就做吧。

    The current style and icons are highly shaded and use lots of colors , so if you really need to go over this size , do so .

  16. 试验结果表明:用中等剂量的秋水仙素处理减数分裂前的细胞,并结合涂抹幼苗生长点的方法,产生番茄四倍体的频率大,植株茎部粗壮,叶色深而宽厚,座果多而果实大。

    The results of the experiment showed that treating cells before meiosis with moderate dosage of colchine and applying it to the growing points of seedlings produced autotetraploidy tomatoes with higher frequencies .

  17. 结果表明,在优选条件下,可使表观色深和皂洗、摩擦牢度显著提高,是提高红花黄染色效果的有效途径。

    The results showed that under the optimal process conditions , the colour yield , and fastnesses to soaping and rubbing are obviously improved . It is an efficacious approach to improving the dyeing effect of saflor yellow dye .

  18. 结果证明,C90&19202制剂对烟草植株的生长具有促进作用,表现为叶大、色深、茎粗、植株较高大,在温室、网室内植株鲜重比对照增加12%~15%。

    The tobacco treated with C 90-1 and 9202 had bigger leaves , deeper colour and thicker stems , and the plant was higher than the control . The fresh weight increased by 12 % ~ 15 % in the green house and not house .

  19. iPadmini有一系列令人眼前一亮的新颜色:紫色,粉色,星光色,深空灰色。

    And iPad mini now comes in a gorgeous array of new colors . Purple , Pink , Starlight , and Space Gray .

  20. 对新娘来说,粉色、玫瑰色和深红色都是不错的选择。

    Pinks , roses and plums are great choices for brides .

  21. 半重瓣明亮粉红色的堇型花,有宽的梅子色到深紫色的边。

    Semidouble bright pink pansy / wide raspberry-purple edge .

  22. 他们派对的主题色是深红色。

    Crimson is the theme color of their party .

  23. 皮肤晒成深红褐色.把中等色变成深红色。

    With skin tanned to a deep mahogany color a moderate to strong red .

  24. 重瓣的大朵花,粉红色底,绿色和青铜色。深绿色叶。标准型。

    Double light pink , green and bronze large . Dark green . Standard .

  25. 基本色为深黑色。

    The ground color is jet black .

  26. 把中等色变成深红色。

    Color a moderate to strong red .

  27. 房间都漆成巧克力色和深红色,配有相称的地毯和窗帘。

    They were done in chocolate and dark red , with rugs and hangings to match .

  28. 铁锈色或深紫红色鼻液表示血液来自下呼吸道。

    A rust or prune juice in nasal discharge colour indicates blood originating from lower respiratory tract .

  29. 色较深,香味充分,酸度适中,回味涩度控制的好,无涩味。

    It has dark color and sweet smell , medium sourness , well controlled aftertaste , no acerbity .

  30. 晶种制备过程中其颜色的变化为由灰白色灰绿色黄绿色土黄深黄色。

    The color of seed continuously changes with time from hoariness to celadon to olivine to khaki to deep yellow .