
  • 网络special treatment
  1. 色素沉着一般由术后半年可自行消退,无须特殊治疗。

    Pigmentation generally after six months , can be self-limiting , without special treatment .

  2. 1例脾动脉瘤栓后部分脾梗塞,未予特殊治疗。

    No special treatment was given to one patient with partial spleen infarct after embolization .

  3. 8例未做特殊治疗(NT);

    Did not receive specific treatment for tumor ;

  4. 在尚无特殊治疗方法的今天,护理工作是影响DAI病人预后的重要因素。

    There is no a special therapy of DAI while it is very important to care for patients with DAI conscientiously .

  5. 炎症性肠病(InflammatoryBowelDisease,IBD),是一组病因不明的慢性肠道炎症性疾病,目前还没有针对性的特殊治疗。

    Inflammatory bowel disease ( IBD ) is a group of chronic intestinal inflammatory disease , whose etiology is unknown . There is no curative treatment .

  6. 结果所有患者的症状及实验室检查随MG典型的骨骼肌病态疲劳的症状好转而好转,未加其他特殊治疗。

    Results With the relaxing of skeletal muscles ' weakness and fatigability distinctive , the symptoms and results of lab test will improved and don 't need treated by other special therapy .

  7. OHSS往往与高妊娠率伴随,轻、中度OHSS经系统监护,多不需特殊治疗;

    OHSS was associated with high pregnant rate .

  8. 部分型肺静脉畸形引流的特殊治疗

    Alternative surgical treatment for portion anomalous pulmonary venous drainage

  9. 6例患者在起搏器术后胸痛基本消失,另3例术后胸痛发作次数和程度明显减轻,一般不需要特殊治疗。

    Chest pain disappeared in 6 patients and alleviated in the other 3 patient after pacemaker implantation .

  10. 心律恢复后可停用或改为口服。神经麻痹无特殊治疗方法。

    After the heart rhythm restores , may stop using or change the oral administration.2.neural paralysis not specific treatment method .

  11. 结论本病常有自限性,如无并发症大多预后良好,故早期明确诊断可减少不必要的检查和特殊治疗。

    Therefore , the nonessential inspection and specific treatment should be reduced if the diagnosis is made in the early time .

  12. 肺部病变无需特殊治疗,可随着川崎病的系统治疗而恢复。

    No special treatment is needed for the lung lesion , which can recover with the systemic therapy of Kawasaki disease .

  13. 认为康复治疗小组是以系统论为理论基础的特殊治疗形式,有助于促进医学模式的转变。

    The authors suggest that the rehabilitation therapy team is a special therapy form and can facilitate the transformation of medical model .

  14. 微创外科技术和电视辅助胸腔镜外科在部分病例有其特殊治疗价值;

    Minimal invasive surgery and video assist thoracoscopy surgery are of special value in treatment of the selected neurogenic tumors of the mediastinum .

  15. 目的探讨正脊、运动综合疗法对腰椎间盘突出症的特殊治疗作用。

    [ Ojbective ] To discover the special effectiveness for lumber disc extrusion cases with the comprehensive therapy of spine correction and physical exercises .

  16. 本文从经络学说在妇科临床上应用的角度,探讨了带脉在妇科临床中的特殊治疗作用,通过文献归纳分析了后世医家有关带脉病变的论述。

    This paper presents discussions on the special role of Dai Channel in gynecological clinical practice and analysis of theories on Dai Channel by modern physicians .

  17. 患者也许应该另辟蹊径,尤其是当她们被建议接受那些没有经过充分论证的特殊治疗的时候。

    Patients might consider seeking a second opinion , especially if they are advised to undergo a particular treatment without a full discussion of the options .

  18. 结果:山莨菪碱在抢救微循环功能障碍所致爆发性危重疾病中有优异选择性和特殊治疗作用,且毒副作用小。

    RESULTS : In rescue the fulminating critical patients with dysfunction of microcirculation , anisodamine showed excellently selective and specific therapeutic action and rarely induced side effects .

  19. 目前仍没有疫苗和特殊治疗方法来应对寨卡。据悉,寨卡的症状与感冒相似,会突发性地大量传播,但是70%到80%的患者都对此后知后觉。

    There is no vaccine or specific treatment for Zika , a flu-like disease with a rash that goes unnoticed in 70 to 80 percent of cases .

  20. 损害赔偿的范围包括:父母因生育残疾儿而产生的精神上的痛苦、分娩的费用、缺陷儿的抚养费、特殊治疗费、照顾费和教育费。

    The scope of compensation includes mental agony , the fees of labor , raising fees of defect baby , special treatment fees , caring fees and education fees , etc.

  21. 本文结合肝衰竭/重型肝炎的发病机制阐述其抗病毒治疗、免疫调节治疗、颅内压监测和颅内压增高的特殊治疗及人工肝支持治疗。

    This article expound the antivirus treatment , immunity regulation treatment , encephalic pressure monitoring , special treatment and artificial liver supportive treatment for liver failure / heavy hepatitis on the basis of its pathogenesis .

  22. 而一些特殊治疗方法如外源性生长因子应用、组织工程皮肤等临床应用不广泛,故西医在促进慢性创面愈合方面总体疗效不理想。

    Some special treatment , such as the clinical application of exogenous growth factors , tissue engineering skin is not extensively used in clinical , the overall effect in promoting chronic wound healing are not ideal .

  23. 方法通过创伤生理参数评分、特殊治疗护理评分和基础护理评分3项进行创伤严重度护理综合评分,根据分值合理分配护士。

    Methods The severity of the trauma were comprehensively scored in nursing by the trauma physiological parameter score , the special therapy nursing score and the basic nursing score . the nurses were reasonably allocated by scoring value .

  24. 对于症状严重的女性,包括一种称作妊娠剧吐的严重形式,该研究建议应采取包括住院治疗和心理健康援助在内的特殊治疗。

    For women with more difficult symptoms , including a very severe form , known as hyperemesis gravidarum ( HG ) , specialist treatment , including hospital admission and mental health support , should be offered , it suggests .

  25. 该病尚无针对病因的特殊治疗方法,多系统受损的重症患者应积极进行临床干预。结节病呈良性倾向,但在治疗过程中应注意随访。

    There is no special treatment for the cause of the disease , multi-system damage in patients with severe should be given clinical interventions actively , Sarcoidosis was positive tendency , However , in the course of treatment should pay attention to follow-up .

  26. 取3例脑外伤患者的颞浅动脉,投入液氮中保存作为正常对照。两组均为男2例、女1例,年龄40~60岁,术前均未经特殊治疗。

    Samples of arteria temporalis superficialis from patients with cerebral trauma were taken as controls The two groups were all 2 men and 1 woman , their ages were 40 to 60 , and they did not have any special management before operation .

  27. 方法:选取2004年7月至2006年1月兰州大学第一附属医院普外科手术切除且临床资料完整的胃癌患者56例,全部胃癌患者术前均未经放疗和化疗及其它特殊治疗;

    Methods : Harvested 56 surgical gross samples and related clinical materials from patients with gastric carcinoma , who were not treated by radiation , chemotherapy and any other special treatment . Totally there were 56 gastric carcinoma tissue cases and 10 normal gastric tissue studied .

  28. 第一种方案对于轻型GO患者来说是合理的,不需要特殊的治疗措施(除了对症治疗外),就可使眼病自然转归。

    The first approach is reasonable in mild cases of GO not requiring specific therapeutic measures ( except for the local treatments ) in that it allows the eye disease to run its natural course .

  29. 方法:1998年6月以来应用AO特殊钢板治疗肢体近关节骨折45例,其中股骨粗隆部骨折28例用动力髋螺钉(dynamichipscrew,DHS)固定;

    Methods : Since June 1998,45 cases of extremital fractures near articulations were operated by AO special plates . Among them , 28 patients of intertrochanteric fractures were treated with Dynamic Hip Screw ( DHS );

  30. 拔罐疗法是中国传统医学宝库中的一种特殊的治疗方法。

    Cupping is a special treatment of Chinese traditional treasures of medicines .