
bō rě
  • prajna;wisdom;highest wisdom
般若 [bō rě]
  • [prajna;wisdom] 智慧。佛教用语。通过直觉的洞察所获得的先验的智慧或最高的知识

般若[bō rě]
  1. 有很多大般若涅盘经的古老版本。

    There are of course numerous recessions of the Mahaparinibbana Sutra .

  2. 其次分析了道生般若实相学说的主要内容;

    Second , it gives the main content of the theory ;

  3. 般若无形相,智慧心即是&试论《金刚经》所蕴含的诗学理论及其影响

    On the Theory of Poetry in The Diamond Sutra and Its Influence

  4. 财富有善有恶,般若则无有不善。

    Money can be good or bad , but prajna is always good .

  5. 我们将从大般若涅磐经它自己开始。

    We shall start with the Mahaparinirvana Sutra itself .

  6. 三十一岁时写出了旷世之作《般若金珠蔓论》。

    Write at the age of30 make the emerging of ips prajna tendril .

  7. 有佛法的地方就有般若。

    Where there is Dharma , there is prajna .

  8. 论苏轼的佛教思想及其诗词中的般若空意识

    THOUGHT On Sushi 's Buddhist Theories and the " Empty " in His Poets

  9. 解读《般若无知论》苏格拉底:无知者的智慧

    Explanation and Discussion on Intelligence Ignorance Theory Socrates

  10. 苏州般若新能源科技有限公司;

    Suzhou Wisdom New Energy Technology Co. , Ltd.

  11. 求财富,不如求般若;

    Better to cultivate prajna than wealth .

  12. 从般若看诗禅境界&以王维、道济诗为例

    Zen in Poetry as Seen from Prajna

  13. 要证悟「般若」,才能自由自在;

    Exercise prajna to be carefree .

  14. 另一方面,般若原有的价值观念和思想方法,也内化于中国美学,给中国美学以深刻的渗透和影响。

    On the other hand all these also assimilated into Chinese Esthetics , and brought profound affection .

  15. 本论文旨在探讨牟宗三先生《佛性与般若》一书中,对华严宗学所作的批判是否合理。

    This paper evaluates Mou Tsung-san 's Buddha Nature and Prajna , his criticism of the Hua-yen school .

  16. 智慧(般若)是头脑中认知能力(识)的反映。

    Intelligence ( buddhi ) is the reflection in the mind of the power to know ( chit ) .

  17. 在大乘佛教大般若涅磐经之中的四大法印是佛的弟子的宗教思想中特别重要的部分。

    The Four Great References found in the Mahaparinibbana Sutra is of special importance to the students of Buddhist religious thought .

  18. 他自评说皆仰仗于《般若心经》和观世音菩萨的慈悲力。

    He commented that he basically relied on the " Heart Sutra " and the power of Guan Yin Bodhisattva 's compassion .

  19. 作为特殊的文化载体,般若经之传译及佛法僧所具的强大文化感召力,使中国美学基于生生之悟更添旷达与超跋;

    Moreover Prajna sutra as a special cultural carrier upgraded the broad-mind and transcendence of Chinese Esthetics with its interpretation and impelling power .

  20. 观自在菩萨行甚深般若波罗蜜多时,照见五蕴皆空。

    When Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara was practicing the profound Prajna Paramita , he illuminated the Five Skandhas and saw that they are all empty .

  21. 介绍关于佛教。佛教:佛说八大人觉经;般若波罗蜜多心经。

    Introduces Chinese language relating to buddhism . buddhism : sutra on the eight realizations of the great beings ; prajnaparamita heart sutra .

  22. 般若佛教作为新变因素对此期语言文学观念及审美意识发展的影响深远,它直接使得中古审美经验进入“顿悟、直观”的阶段。

    On the Prajna Buddhism Resources Which Promote the Development of the Language and Literature Thoughts and Aestheic Consciousness in Middle Ancient Times ;

  23. 比如对“般若”的强调--通过精神的集中而直观体验到的智慧和认知。

    such as the emphasis on experiential praj ñā , wisdom or cognitive understanding that is intuitively experienced through concentration of the mind .

  24. 法海本《坛经》的基本佛学思想之一,是佛性说而非般若义。

    One of the basic Buddhist philosophical thoughts of Tan Jing ( Fahai edition ) is Buddhist nature than Bo Re ( enlightenment ) theory .

  25. 从辩证唯物主义观点尤其是现代物理学思想的观点来看,《般若无知论》中既包含合理的辩证逻辑思想,又有相对主义与蒙昧主义的倾向

    From the perspective of dialectical materialism , especially modern physics , reasonable dialectical logic idea and relativism and obscurantism are all embodied in Intelligence Ignorance Theory

  26. 作者认为,把般若观照与山水审美活动相结合,是他取得这些成就的一个关键原因。

    The author of this paper indicates that the critical reason of Xie Lingyun s poetic success is the application of Prajnaparamita sight in his aesthetic activity .

  27. 汉晋时期,佛教般若学借助玄学而得以流行,《老子》也在佛教的解读中被进一步本体化。

    In times of the Han and the Jin Dynasty , Prajna study became popularized with the help of metaphysics , whose interpretation further noumenalized LAO ZI .

  28. 般若美学蕴涵的别致、丰富和阐释功能的独特、富有张力,极大地刺激、推动和完善了中国美学的价值结构与机制;

    Prajna Esthetics stimulated , promoted and perfected the structure criterion and mechanism of Chinese Esthetics with its unique and various significance , particular and stretch elucidatory capacity .

  29. 从经题的意义,离相无住思想的表现,离相无住心与般若的关系等三个方面进行分析。

    From the meaning of the title , Carrying on the analysis from three aspects : Nonattaehment to Form performance , heart , the relations between wisdom and them .

  30. 慧远虽然对般若思想内容有一定的理解和接受,但一直在追求一个至极无变的、绝对的实体性的东西,并以这种实体的真实存在作为其佛学理论的基石。

    Although Huiyuan had some understand on the Prajna thought , he kept himself in the stubborn seeking of absolute and eternal entity as the base of his Buddhist theory .