
  • 网络prajnaparamita
  1. 作为特殊的文化载体,般若经之传译及佛法僧所具的强大文化感召力,使中国美学基于生生之悟更添旷达与超跋;

    Moreover Prajna sutra as a special cultural carrier upgraded the broad-mind and transcendence of Chinese Esthetics with its interpretation and impelling power .

  2. 有很多大般若涅盘经的古老版本。

    There are of course numerous recessions of the Mahaparinibbana Sutra .

  3. 我们将从大般若涅磐经它自己开始。

    We shall start with the Mahaparinirvana Sutra itself .

  4. 在大乘佛教大般若涅磐经之中的四大法印是佛的弟子的宗教思想中特别重要的部分。

    The Four Great References found in the Mahaparinibbana Sutra is of special importance to the students of Buddhist religious thought .