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guǎng zhōu
  • Guangzhou;Guangzhou(Canton)
广州 [guǎng zhōu]
  • [Guangzhou(Canton)] 广东省省会,简称穗,别称羊城,中国南方对外贸易港口和综合性工业城市,位于珠江三角洲北缘中部,京广铁路南端,临珠江,市区面积1345平方公里,市区人口310万

广州[guǎng zhōu]
  1. 它在广州秋季交易会上展出。

    It was displayed at the Fall Fair in Guangzhou .

  2. 外商云集广州。

    Many foreign merchants gathered in Guangzhou .

  3. 广州在南京的南面,反而没有南京热。

    Guangzhou is south of Nanjing , but contrary to what one might suppose , it is not as hot .

  4. 这个航班在广州同飞往桂林的航班相接。

    This flight connects with a flight for Guilin at guangzhou .

  5. 离开广州13年后我又熟悉了它。

    I resumed acquaintance with Guangzhou after an absence of13 years .

  6. 东海岛是广州湾的屏蔽。

    Donghai island provides a protective screen for Guangzhou bay .

  7. 公司销售经理常驻广州。

    The company sales manager is permanently stationed in guangzhou .

  8. 广州位于广东省南部。

    Guangzhou is in the south of Guangdong province .

  9. 广州比上海离北京远。

    Guangzhou is farther from Beijing than Shanghai is .

  10. 代表团于今晨到达广州。

    The delegation arrived in Guangzhou this morning .

  11. 到广州车费多少?

    What 's the fare to guangzhou ?

  12. 琳达下课后要去广州。

    Linda is leaving for Guangzhou after class .

  13. 众所周知,木棉是广州市的市花。

    As all we know , kapok is the city flower of Guangzhou .

  14. 广州的天气真是湿热。

    The weather in Guang Zhou is sweltering .

  15. 广州是个拥挤的城市!

    Guangzhou is a crowded city !

  16. 苏宁易购已经在北京、上海、广州、深圳、南京和成都招募了一批“洋快递员”。

    Suning Tesco has recruited a group of foreign couriers in Beijing , Shanghai , Guangzhou , Shenzhen , Nanjing and Chengdu .

  17. B为迎接广州亚运会北京正在修建新的地铁线路。

    They are building new metro lines for the Asian Gamess .

  18. 广州G药业公司

    Guangzhou G Pharmaceutical Company

  19. 广州市街道环境PM(10)和PM(2.5)质量浓度的变化特征

    Variations of pm_ ( 10 ) and pm_ ( 2.5 ) levels in street microenvironment in Guangzhou

  20. 广州市夏季室内外PM(2.5)中有机碳、元素碳的分布特征

    Characterization of indoor / outdoor organic and elemental carbon in PM_ ( 2.5 ) during summer in Guangzhou city

  21. 补给船用于PLA南海舰队在广州的“黄埔”(Huangpu)造船厂建造。

    The ship is built by Huangpu Shipyard in Guangzhou for the PLA South Sea fleet .

  22. 广州地区肺炎克雷伯菌产TEM型及SHV型β-内酰胺酶基因表型的研究

    Genotype of TEM - and SHV-type beta-lactamase producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in Guangzhou area

  23. 以深圳和广州为参照点,按负载系数推算出2030年珠海城市工业容量为以GDP的表示,分别为2780亿元和860亿元;

    With Shenzhen and Guangzhou as the contrast , the capacity of industry ( by GDP ) of Zhuhai , 278 and 86 billion respectively .

  24. 1996年,我国首先在北京、上海、广州和西安四城市进行了CDMA网的商用试验。

    In1996 , China began the commercial trial of CDMA cellular communication network in four cities , Beijing , Shanghai , Guangzhou and Xi'an .

  25. 广州交通运输企业进行战略重组是适应市场经济发展和加入WTO新形势的需要。

    It is to meet the needs of adapting the development of market economy and the new situation of entry WTO for Guangzhou traffic and transportation enterprises to implement strategic reconstruction .

  26. 使用所得的单克隆抗体以WESTERNBLOTTING检测广州管圆线虫病患者血清,并建立双抗体夹心ELISA法检测感染大鼠血清。

    By using the McAbs , serum of angiostrongyliasis patient and sera of the rats infected with A. cantonensis were detected by Western blotting and double antibody sandwich ELISA respectively .

  27. 随着广州市大规模城市地下空间开发利用的展开,相应的地下工程属性信息、图形数据快速增加,迫切需要利用GIS技术对既具有空间分布信息、又具有大量属性信息的地下空间设施进行信息化管理。

    As the development of large-scale urban underground space utilization in Guangzhou , the attribute and graphic data of underground space projects are increasing quickly . It is necessary to manage the data using GIS technology .

  28. 广州市水政水资源管理信息系统是一个基于GIS技术的、客户/服务器结构下的环境信息系统,本文介绍了系统的总体设计与关键技术。

    The water policy and resource management information system of Guangzhou city is based on GIS technology and under the structure of Client / Server system . This paper introduced the overall design and key technology of this system .

  29. 结合广州市城市规划勘测设计研究院GIS基础空间数据生产实际,介绍了将工程测绘系统与掌上电脑测绘系统相结合完全实现建设工程测绘内外业自动化的全过程。

    Based on the production practice of GIS fundamental spatial data in Guangzhou Urban Planning Design Survey Research Institute , this paper introduced the realization procedure of engineering survey field indoor works automation by combining engineering survey mapping system with palmtop computer .

  30. 选择典型的局地环流气象场作为高分辨化学模式的输入场,模拟得到不同气象条件下广州地区地面O3浓度的分布。

    The main circulation meteorological fields are chosen as the input field of a high-resolution chemical model . The surface ozone concentration distribution are obtained under different meteorological conditions .