
zhì jìng
  • salute;homage;pay a tribute to;pay one's respects to
致敬 [zhì jìng]
  • (1) [salute]∶向人敬礼

  • 举剑致敬

  • (2) [pay ones respects to]∶表示敬意

  • 有各种致敬方式,如信奉佛教的人用合十作为致敬的方式,有的人则用相互拥抱的方式

致敬[zhì jìng]
  1. 商船互相点旗致敬。

    Merchant ships salute each other by dipping the flag .

  2. 他向他的父亲致敬。

    He extended a salute to his father .

  3. 向他们帮扶无家可归者的善举致敬!

    Hats off to them for supporting the homeless .

  4. 向新科冠军本·贾利·达阿尔布雷致敬。

    Hail to the new champion Bengali D'Albret .

  5. 那首歌是对罗伊·奥比森的致敬。

    The song is a tribute to Roy Orbison

  6. 他们把这一活动称为“向英雄致敬”,这可是加分之举。

    They called the event ' a tribute to heroes ' , which was a nice touch

  7. 持枪致敬(口令)!

    Present arms !

  8. Hattip最初指两个人见面时通过摘帽的动作来表示对彼此的认可、尊重、感激、问候,或是简单的致敬和感谢。

    Originally , a hat tip is an act of tipping or doffing , greeting , or simple salutation and acknowledgement between two persons .

  9. Hattip在网络语境中表示“致敬,感谢”,缩写为HT或h/t,感谢某人让作者注意到某些信息或者激发了作者创作某个作品的灵感。

    Hat tip is ( often abbreviated to " HT " or " h / t " in online contexts ) used as an acknowledgement that someone has brought a piece of information to the writer ’ s attention , or provided the inspiration for a piece of writing .

  10. 宴会是为了向贵宾们致敬而举行的。

    A banquet was given in honor of the distinguished guests .

  11. “向我将让位给他的太阳致敬。”

    To salute the sun for whom I must make way .

  12. 向克里斯·约翰逊致敬,是他启发了我这个故事。

    HT to Chris Johnson , who alerted me to the story .

  13. 向所有平凡的英雄致敬!

    We salute12 all the ordinary heroes !

  14. 我最喜欢的“彩蛋”类型是他们把其它影视系列中的角色以不显眼的方式放到自己的电影里面,以示致敬。

    My favourite Easter eggs are when they discreetly1 include characters from other franchises2 as a nod to another film .

  15. 向他们的牺牲致敬的最佳方式,便是曾经是死敌的国家现在成为朋友,并为了所有人的和平、健康和繁荣并肩努力。

    The greatest tribute to their sacrifice is that countries who were once sworn enemies are now friends , working side by side for the peace , health and prosperity of us all .

  16. 这位居民在新浪微博上分享了这张照片并写道:“暴雨中,是您们扛着这面旗帜冲锋。致敬逆行者!”

    He shared it on the microblogging service Sina Weibo and wrote : " In the rainstorm , it is you who carry this flag to charge to the front . Pay tribute to the heroes in harm 's way . "

  17. 网络上甚至出现了一个叫“Ahmedisplanet”的致敬视频。

    There 's even a tribute video called " Ahmed is planet . "

  18. 当然,《BlurredLines》的作者称他们只是向马文·盖伊致敬,而不是侵犯版权。

    Of course , the Blurred Lines song writers say they are only paying tribute to Marvin Gaye not infringing on his copyright .

  19. 片中向斯皮尔伯格去世的同行约翰·休斯(JohnHughes)和斯坦利·库布里克(StanleyKubrick)致敬。

    Tribute is paid to Mr. Spielberg 's departed colleagues John Hughes and Stanley Kubrick .

  20. 今天很荣幸(pleasure)能够聚在这里,向我们的辩论队致敬,他们赢得上海辩论比赛。

    It is a great pleasure to gather here today to pay honor to our debating team which won in the Shanghai Debating Contest .

  21. 《冰与火》的预告片是对乔治·R·R·马丁原著《冰与火之歌》的致敬。

    The fire and ice of the trailer are a nod to the George RR Martin book series the show is based on , A Song Of Fire And Ice .

  22. 看T型台上的3D盛宴,伦敦Burberry公司用一场全世界直播的3D时装展向伦敦时装周致敬。

    A 3D trip down the catwalk , British company Burberry capped off London fashion week with a 3D show , streamed live around the world .

  23. 微软(Microsoft)的HoloLens头显设备的名字,正是向《星际迷航》(StarTrek)中的模拟房间全息甲板(holodeck)的致敬。

    The name of Microsoft 's HoloLens headset is a salute to the holodeck , a simulation room from " Star Trek . "

  24. 鉴于不久前,UNIX传奇人物、C语言的创始人DennisRitchie的过世,我们向C语言表示致敬是再合适不过的了。

    So given the recent passing of UNIX legend Dennis Ritchie , the creator of the C language , we think a toast to C is only fitting .

  25. ForrestKobayashi在博客上面说:“最新版的苹果产品,就是向乔布斯致敬的礼物”。

    Blogger Forrest Kobayashi said the newest Apple product may stand as a tribute to Jobs .

  26. 的确我认为你在VMA颁奖上致敬AmyWinehouse的表演也很赞

    It really is , and I thought you did an amazing job on Amy Winehouse on MTV VMAS .

  27. 为了向张大卫致敬,纽约超酷的鸡尾酒餐厅PDT甚至专门推出了一款“张氏热狗”。

    The ü ber-cool New York cocktail lounge PDT offers the Chang dog , a deep-fried , bacon-wrapped , kimchi-slathered Ode to his changness .

  28. vt.欢迎,迎接;致敬,致意;(景象,声音等)映入眼帘他的演说得到热烈的喝采。

    eg. His speech was greeted with cheers .

  29. 卡耐基音乐厅原定3月31日举办一场演出,向他致敬,参演者包括根基乐队(theRoots)、辛迪·劳帕(CyndiLauper)和山羊乐队(theMountainGoats)。

    He was to be honored with a concert at Carnegie Hall on March 31 featuring the Roots , Cyndi Lauper and the Mountain Goats .

  30. 还有一个不大可能的原因是他们要特别地向RonRivest致敬,这个套件中所用到的三个算法都是他发明的。

    A much less likely possibility is that they wanted to pay special tribute to Ron Rivest , who created all three of these algorithms .