
  • 网络Dragon Worship
  1. 花腰彝祭龙文化及其旅游开发&以云南石屏县花腰彝为例

    The Culture of Offering Sacrifices to the Dragon of Colored Waistband Yi and its Tourism Development & in the Case of Yunnan Shiping Yi

  2. 西南少数民族崇树习俗文化内涵浅析&以红河哈尼族祭龙树为例西双版纳傣族的水信仰、水崇拜、水知识及相关用水习俗研究

    An analysis on minorities tree worship of southwest region ; Research on Xishuangbanna Dai People 's Water-religion , Water-worship , Water-lore and Correlative Habits of Using Water