
  1. 我不能随波浮沉,为了我致爱的亲人。

    For my loved ones . I could not go down with those waves .

  2. 致我最爱的篮球亲爱的篮球,从小时候我穿着老爸的直筒袜,假装着我在大西部论坛球馆,投中制胜球的样子。

    Kobe Bryant Dear Basketball , from the moment I started rolling my dad 's tube socks and shooting imaginary Game-winning shots in the Great Western Forum .

  3. 爱宴乐的,必致穷乏。好酒爱膏油的,必不富足。

    The lover of pleasure will be a poor man : the lover of wine and oil will not get wealth .