
zì sù àn jiàn
  • case of private prosecution
  1. 论自诉案件与公诉案件的追诉时效

    On the Limitation of Prosecution of the Case of Private Prosecution and the Lawsuit of Public Prosecution

  2. 第一百七十三条自诉案件的被告人在诉讼过程中,可以对自诉人提起反诉。

    Article 173 In the process of the proceedings , the defendant in a case of private prosecution may raise a counterclaim against the private prosecutor .

  3. 自诉案件与公诉案件合并审理的程序运行

    Process of Trial by Combining Private Prosecution Cases with Public Prosecution Cases

  4. 自诉案件范围过于宽泛。

    The scope of private prosecution case is too expanding .

  5. 自诉案件在实践中的运行状况及立法建议

    The Function and the Lawmaking Suggestions of the Private Prosecution in Practice

  6. 刑事自诉案件范围研究

    Research on the Scope of Criminal Private Prosecution Cases

  7. 增设自诉案件起诉期限探讨

    On the Addition of Time Limit for Private Prosecution

  8. 自诉案件起诉实务问题研究

    Research about Prosecute Actual Practice Problem of Private Prosecution

  9. 在这个背景下,自诉案件的存在就显得尤为必要。

    In this context , the existence of private prosecution is particularly necessary .

  10. 论刑事自诉案件范围的不足与完善

    On the Deficiency and Perfection of the Range of Case of Criminal Private Prosecution

  11. 论自诉案件的补充起诉

    Added prosecution in the cases of private prosecution

  12. 刑事自诉案件审判程序若干问题探讨

    Judicial Procedure on Self - incriminating Criminal Cases

  13. 自诉案件,由人民法院直接受理。

    Cases of private prosecution shall be accepted directly by the people 's courts .

  14. 对第二类自诉案件范围进行进一步的规定;

    Carry on the further stipulation to the second type of private prosecution case ;

  15. 然而,司法实践中知识产权刑事自诉案件极其罕见。

    Nevertheless , private prosecution cases of intellectual properly right are rare in judicial practice .

  16. 自诉案件与公诉案件的范围界限模糊不清;

    There are unreasonable places in the definition of the scope of private prosecution case ;

  17. 关于审理刑事自诉案件的几个问题

    Lssues on Trying Criminal Private Prosecution Cases

  18. 自诉案件诉前和解与调解后的起诉

    On Prosecution after Compromise or Conciliation before the Action of a Case of Private Prosecution

  19. 乡村社会中自诉案件的研究

    Private Prosecutions Research in Countryside

  20. 1944年、1945年自诉案件数远远超过公诉案件数。

    And in 1944 and 1945 , the amount of private prosecution cases far exceeded public prosecution ones .

  21. 根据我国现行法律的规定,轻伤害案件的是作为自诉案件进行立法定位的。

    According to the current laws in our country , the slight injury cases belong to private prosecution scope .

  22. 自诉案件范围调整部分的设想,正是在这一理论前提下进行的。

    Adjust the scope of private prosecution part of the idea , the premise of this theory is carried out .

  23. 取消第三类自诉案件,建立被害人申请司法审查制度。

    Cancel the third type of private prosecution case , establish the victim apply for the system of judicial review .

  24. 刑事自诉案件范围是进行自诉首先必须面对和解决的至关重要的问题。

    The scope of private prosecution cases is the essential problem which must firstly be faced and solved in private prosecution .

  25. 复杂的公诉案件和简单的自诉案件都可以因事实不清,证据不足发回重审;

    Cases of public persecution and private persecution can all be remanded because of illegibility of facts and lack of evidence .

  26. 此外,本文还提出在第二类自诉案件适用公诉程序审理时引进刑事和解制度。

    In addition , the paper also proposed the introduction of criminal reconciliation system for the second kind of private prosecution .

  27. 其次,从和解与调解的不同和相同点,分析了自诉案件中和解与调解的区别和联系。

    From the reconciliation and mediation of different and similarities , analyzed in a case of reconciliation and mediation the difference and relationship .

  28. 我国法律上有关刑事和解的内容只见于现行刑事诉讼法关于自诉案件和附带民事诉讼的规定。对于公诉案件我国禁止和解。

    The current laws allow reconciliation only in private actions and incidental civil actions , and reconciliation is forbidden in public prosecution cases .

  29. 公诉转自诉案件实际是应该国家追诉而采用了自诉的形式。

    Public prosecution to private prosecution is actually concerned with cases in the form of private prosecution which shall be investigated by the state .

  30. 刑事自诉案件中,被害人亦有作证资格,但对自诉人陈述的运用加以合理的限制。

    In the criminal private prosecution case , the victim also has testifies the qualifications , but stated to the private prosecutor utilization reasonable limit .