- 网络Natural Resources Committee;House Natural Resources Committee;Committee on Natural Resources -- CNR

West Virginia Democrat Nick Rahall chairs the House Natural Resources Committee .
The Energy and Natural Resources Committee , the Environment and Public Works Committee , and the Governmental Affairs Committee .
Small wonder that Fuqiang Yang , senior climate and energy adviser at the Natural Resources Defense Council , a US group that operates in China , says the emissions-peaking debate has been fraught .
Susan Casey-Lefkowitz at the Natural Resources Defense Council disagrees .
Mr lardy points out that the National Resources Defense Council , a large US non-profit body dealing with climate change and related issues , has one of its main offices in China because " China is central to reducing emissions causing global warming " .
At the beginning of his career , Mr Bryson co-founded the Natural Resources Defense Council , one of the most prominent environmental non-profit groups in the US .
Some people along the coast are already reporting headaches , nausea , coughing and throat irritation , according to the Natural Resources Defense Council ( NRDC ), an environmental action group .
Committee on Environment and Natural Resources Development
Committee on Industry and Natural Resources
Natural Resources Defense Council
A new report from the Natural Resources Defense Council argues that this electricity could be replaced nearly for free .
For this reason , the Court adopted the " rule of reason " test promulgated in NRDC v.morton , supra .
Susan Casey-Lefkowitz from the Natural Resources Defense Council , an environmental group , says the spill shows the dangers of mixing pipelines and waterways .
Allen Hershkowitz of the Natural Resources Defense Council says container deposit laws , also known as " bottle bills ," give a financial incentive to recycle .
Such reprocessing is currently blocked by a Natural Resources Defense Council suit . Environmental Protection Department [ EPD ] [ formerly known as Environmental Protection Agency ]
Environmental groups , led by the Natural Resources Defense Council , filed a lawsuit in response , claiming the approval violated the Marine Mammal Protection Act .
Says Greg Wetstone , program director for the Natural Resources Defense Council : " When these kinds of options become available , people will feel less hopeless . "
" The implication for me is we still have a long way to go to reduce toxic air pollution to protect the public ," said John Walke , a senior attorney at the Natural Resources Defense Council .
Yet while BlueOak 's urban mining refinery may be " exactly the kind of facility that we need from an ecological perspective , " some key economic realities will have to be overcome , NRDC 's Hershkowitz said .
The biological diversity center , along with Greenpeace and the Natural Resources Defense council , filed a petition more than two years ago claiming that global warming was eroding sea ice , the polar bear 's primary habitat .
European Committee for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
Committee on Energy and Natural Resources for Development
Commission on Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources
Ad Hoc Committee on the Survey Program for the Development of Natural Resources
Committee on Natural Resources and Science and Technology
Natural Resources and Energy Management Board
In the House of Representatives , the following committees have jurisdiction over environmental protection or natural resource conservation . Such reprocessing is currently blocked by a Natural Resources Defense Council suit .