
  • 网络Self-Esteem
  1. 他们自尊自爱,因为他们知道他们都是上帝的宠儿。

    Their self-esteem came from knowing they were much-loved children of God .

  2. 面对眼前的诱惑,中国当代艺术家应该保持自尊自爱和找回自己作品中独特独立的品质。

    The face of the temptation in front of the Chinese contemporary artists should maintain self-esteem and find his work a unique independent quality .

  3. 他希望这一回他提到的那个人能够自尊自爱一些,克制一下自己。

    He hoped that for once the individual he referred to would have the decency to restrain himself .

  4. 每一个自尊自爱的意大利人每周(不是每天)至少会喝上一杯卡布奇诺。

    Every self-respecting Italian will drink at least one per week ( not to say per day ) .

  5. 更健康,更好的两性关系,更自尊自爱?它带你去哪里?

    Increased health , better sexual relationships , more self esteem and self respect ? Where does it move to ?

  6. 自我感觉良好才能对人生有良好的感觉,事事做到自尊自爱;

    Don 't do anything that takes away from your self-respect ; Feeling good about yourself is essential to feeling good about life .

  7. 恰如其分的自尊自爱、自我认同、自我接受,而且以此出发,惠及众人的一种爱。

    And what is God within is but an abiding sense of love & proper love of self ( self-acceptance ) and , from that , love of others .

  8. 它成功地塑造了一个虽出身悲惨却能够自强自立、积极进取、自尊自爱、追求平等的女性形象。

    It produces the image of a girl , who , of humble and miserable origin but with self-esteem , was self-reliant and initiative , and consciously pursued equality with men .

  9. 你做出一点牺牲,却成全了一个人的业绩欲,慢慢地,会让他学会一些自尊和自爱。

    Little by little , you will make him learn a bit of self-respect and self-love .

  10. 至少在此文中,她是一个自尊与自爱的女子。

    I think , in this context at least , she is acting with great dignity and self-respect .

  11. 大学生认为健全人格特征中较重要和具有一致性的特征是责任心、诚信、自信、自立、自强、人际关系良好、上进心,自尊、自爱等;

    They considered that some more important and consistent characteristics of sound personality were the sense of duty , trustworthiness , self confidence , self support , self enhancement , good interpersonal relationship .

  12. 为此,现代女性的解放与发展需要通过文化整合,确立现代女性发展的主体价值意识,培育求真、向善,崇尚艺术,崇尚理性,自尊、自爱、自立、自强的现代人格。

    So , it is to need culture compound of liberation and development of modern women and assure modern characters of women in subjection value consciousness , ideal , charity , worship art and reason , self-respect , self-confidence , self-independence , self-strife .

  13. 它能体现你人格上的自尊、自重和自爱吗?

    It reflects your personality , self-esteem , dignity and self-respect ?

  14. 结论大中学生的健康行为、性健康教育和性道德教育已刻不容缓,要培养青年学生自尊、自重、自爱,特别要加强对农村青年学生的艾滋病和性病健康知识教育。

    Conclusion It is emergency to promote college or high school students ' health behaviors , sex health education , sex morality and cultivate the students self-esteem , self-confident , self-love , especially strengthen county youth STD / AIDS prevention education .