- return sth. with thanks;return sth.with thanks

[return sth.with thanks] 敬辞。送还
Carrying the round jade and leading the fme horse , Xun Xi returned in triumph and gave them back to the King of Jin .
The National Institute of Culture praised the citizens who voluntarily returned the pieces .
Did you know that when you help someone , the help is returned in two folds ?
He had sworn a promise to return everything with interest once he had won fame abroad .
Oh , have a seat , thank you for being here and back at you all the energy
Money will be paid back if goods bought in our shopping centre fail to satisfy the customers .
Thank you for it , I say right back at you , thank you so much for being here
Thank you so much , that 's lovely and I send all of that energy right back to you .
But I was happy to pay it , because for every blow that I received , I was able to deliver two .
If the players want to make it hard for me , I 'm happy to make it twice as hard for them .
The owner of the bag was identified , and the bag was returned to him , Hogan said . Nothing was stolen .
The Fed protected itself by imposing larger " haircuts " on riskier securities and emphasises that all of its emergency lending was paid back in full with interest .
The remaining artifacts , including a variety of different textiles , flutes , a ceramic piece and three pre-Inca dolls , were returned by private citizens in Germany .
If you give me till the end of March , I 'll be able to return the entire principal to you with the interest I promised as well .
The Shanghai Composite is down by half from its peak in2007 , a year when equities doubled – before giving back all their gains , and then some , in2008 .
The local education authority has reportedly intervened in the case , and asked the teacher to apologize to the public and to pay back the 1000 yuan ( around 145 US dollars ) that he received , with a warning that teachers are not permitted to raise money from students .