
  • 网络free dance
  1. 在她14岁时,她就将她的自由舞教给小孩,并举行了独舞表演。

    And by age fourteen , she was teaching her free dance to young children and giving recitals .

  2. 水中庄严集体舞瞬间变成了数百尾蝠鲼间互相碰撞的自由舞。

    The stately dance in the milky waters turns into a free-for-all , with hundreds of mantas bumping into each other .

  3. 邓肯在小的时候学过芭蕾,但是很快她就发展出了自己的独特的风格,她称之为自由舞。

    Isadora Duncan did study ballet briefly as a child , but she quickly developed her own unique style , which she called free dance .

  4. 洛伊富勒,火舞表演后,被形容比转向“像打蛋器轮和圆形。”做多一点然而,先锋舞蹈家,自由的个人表达的是“控制的自由”现代舞今天的基础。祝大家每天进步一点点!

    Loie Fuller , after performing Fire Dance , was described as doing little more than turning " round and round like an eggbeater . " Yet , the free , personal expression of the pioneer dancers is the basis of the " controlled freedom " of modern dance today .