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  • deaerate
  1. 脱泡桶超标缺陷的检评与修复

    The Assessment , and Repairing for Deaerator with Oversize Defects

  2. 基于实验室的特点设计脱泡装置。

    The deaerating device was designed based on the characteristics of laboratory .

  3. 介绍一种实用型在线脱泡装置,并给出设计计算过程。

    The paper describes a practical type online deaerating mechanism , and gives design process .

  4. 其低粘度的特性可使生产工作效率更高、更易脱泡。

    The low viscosity nature of SKA-PL-808M increases work efficiency and is easy to de-bubbling .

  5. 实验室用脱泡装置的设计与计算

    Design and calculation of laboratorial deaeration system

  6. 薄膜闪蒸式脱泡塔的工艺剖析

    Technological analysis of film flash type deaerator

  7. 电厂化学补充水改为补入凝汽器的技术分析乳液型脱泡剂在造纸生产中的应用

    Analysis on the Technology of Filling Chemical Water to Condenser instead of Deaerator Application of Emulsion Deaerator in Papermaking

  8. 快速固化,苯乙烯挥发极少,操作简便,无需繁琐的添加促进剂及固化剂和脱泡过程。

    The visible light curing does not need the complicated process of adding the accelerant agent , curing agent and deaerating .

  9. 物料在真空容器内分散,减少了气泡和溶剂的挥发,加速了物料脱泡,提高了分散细度。

    In the vacuum dispersing kettle air bubble and solvent vitalization shall be restrained , deaeration of materials shall be accelerated , dispersion efficiency shall be enhanced .

  10. 对环氧树脂进行预加热以降低其粘稠性,在加入纳米粉体前后进行三次真空脱泡操作。

    Epoxy are heated to pull down its mucosity , and three times of vacuum-pumping are conducted to eliminate the air bubble in epoxy before and after adding nano powder .

  11. 气泡的存在会使得材料的阻尼损耗因子峰值向低温区域偏移,但最大阻尼损耗因子并未有明显变化,脱泡后的阻尼材料损耗因子峰值会向高温移动,但峰值变化不大。

    The presence of bubbles made the peak of damping loss factor shift to the low temperature region , but the maximum of damping loss factor had no significant change .

  12. 经分析,此装置应用于真空树脂灌封设备上延长了脱泡时间,达到彻底脱泡的目的,并提高了灌封效率。

    After the mechanism is applied to vacuum resin dosing equipment , it prolongs the deaerating time of resin on the inclined heated plate , and achieve the purpose of drastic deaeration , at the same time , improves the dosing efficiency of the equipment .

  13. 利用蓖麻油等溶剂的溶解性,混合于油、脂、蜡,经三辊机研磨及真空脱泡锅中搅拌、脱除空气泡,得以充分混合制成细腻致密的膏体。

    Using the solubility of castor oil and other solvents , mixed with oil , fat and wax and grinded in the three rollers machine , stirred and removed the air bubbles in the vacuum deaeration pot , the exquisite compact paste was made by intensively mixing .