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tuō sú
  • refined;free from vulgarity;not be bound by conventions
脱俗 [tuō sú]
  • [free from vulgarity;refined] 脱离凡俗

脱俗[tuō sú]
  1. 一眼就能看出来他是个超凡脱俗的人。

    One sight of him can tell that he is a man free from vulgarity .

  2. 在唐代道教诗人的隐逸生活中,表现出超凡脱俗的时代理想和艺术化的人生追求。

    The reclusive lives of Taoist poets expressed their ideals free from vulgarity and their pursuit of artistic life .

  3. 我遇到了我的梦中女孩。她真是个超凡脱俗、独一无二的人!

    I met the girl of my dreams3 – she is one in a million !

  4. 而是你灵魂的栖所,哪怕只是一间littlehut,也自然脱俗。

    But into the haven of your soul , even a little hut remains unaffected .

  5. iPad是一款超凡脱俗的产品。

    The iPad is an absolutely brilliant product .

  6. 加之个性化的BIOS,FREE的操作系统,体贴的软件源代码支持,更表现出超凡脱俗的气质。

    In addition individualized BIOS , the FREE operating system , the abundant source code supported , demonstrate the extraordinary and refined makings even more .

  7. MoonlitMonoLake洒满月光的莫诺湖凝灰岩,是突出在加利福尼亚州的东部雪乐山的莫诺湖面的不同寻常的岩层,以其超凡脱俗的美丽而闻名于世。

    Tufa , the unusual rock formations that jut out of Mono Lake in California 's Eastern Sierra , are famous for their otherworldly beauty .

  8. Etosha一词,在奥万博人(theOvambo)的语言中指的是“巨大的白色之地”,1800平方英里(4800平方公里)范围内一片波光粼粼,干燥的气温,烘烤的粘土,看起来如此的超凡脱俗。

    Etosha , whose name means " great white place " in the language of the Ovambo people , is a 1800 square-mile ( 4800 square-kilometer ) expanse of shimmering , dry , baked clay that looks suitably otherworldly .

  9. 不讲理的艺术:想法脱俗教会我们……

    The Art of Being Unreasonable : Lessons in Unconventional Thinking .

  10. 山谷论艺的脱俗旨趣

    The " Refined " Purport of Shan Gu 's Views on Art

  11. 那在你自己的性格中,你有多脱俗呢?

    Now , in your own character , how refined you do ?

  12. 她的双亲都是精力充沛,举止脱俗,有吸引力的人。

    Her parents were both lively , eccentric , and attractive individuals .

  13. 这不是自我陶醉,而是一种超凡脱俗的人生境界。

    This is not narcissism , but an otherworldly realm of life .

  14. 他们在散文化小说中表现出了脱俗的世事。

    They scattered and cultural stories in a refined performance of the world .

  15. 超尘脱俗的出世之美&论徐訏小说的理想女性形象塑造

    Ideal Female Image Building in Xu Xu 's Novels

  16. 竹花很美,是那种清丽脱俗的美。

    Bamboo flower is beautiful , is the kind of Qingli refined beauty .

  17. 他们对进口的五香熏牛肉进行了品尝,希望找到超凡脱俗的口味。

    They sampled pastrami imports , hoping for greatness .

  18. 我们的国家和别的国家不同,我们的精神崇高脱俗。

    Here we differ from those other nations . We are so spiritual .

  19. 渔父词中总有一位清高脱俗的人物挺立其中。

    Fisherman word has a lofty total refined one of the characters stand .

  20. 我对她那套超凡脱俗的道德说教厌烦透了。

    I 've had enough of her high-minded moralizing .

  21. 但大多数超凡脱俗的射手都会在罚球线上砍分。

    But most transcendent scorers eat at the line .

  22. 我不希望她变得灵性化、崇高化,变得光荣非凡,超凡脱俗。

    I don 't want her spiritualized , exalted , glorified , celestial .

  23. 但然后我开始看到脱俗的事物。

    But then I started to see beyond the idiot that everybody else saw .

  24. 大峡谷是一道超凡脱俗的风景。

    The Grand Canyon is an unearthly sight .

  25. 但让自始至终都用来充当一个审美的对象——超凡脱俗,有灵性,希罕。

    But throughout Lrean is used as an aesthetic objea-spiritual , sensitive , foreign .

  26. 她是那么纯洁而超凡脱俗。

    She is so simple and spiritual .

  27. 受尼采的影响,他觉得自己是超凡脱俗的超人。

    Influenced by Nietzsche , he viewed himself as a superman above the common herd .

  28. 这座雕像真是很脱俗。

    The statue was simply remarkable .

  29. 她就像一只螳螂,需要时间才能体会出她那奇特脱俗的美。

    Not unlike a praying mantis , her odd and otherworldly beauty takes time to notice .

  30. 头脑会超尘脱俗地成长:

    Minds are of supernal birth :