
  • 网络Out of Asia
  1. 这一时期(主要指脱亚论发表之前),福泽的朝鲜观与中国观都含有蔑视,只是在具体表现形式与程度上有所不同。

    In this period ( mainly referred to the time before publishing the view of Out of Asia ), Fukuzawa despised Korea as well as China , which the differences were just expressed in forms and degree .

  2. 福泽谕吉在十九世纪八十年代初,提出了旨在日本谋求东亚霸权的“东洋政略”主张,紧接着又提出了“脱亚论”。

    Fuzukawa proposed the opinion of " Toxyox Political Strategy " for the sake of seeking the Japans supremacy in East-Asia at the beginning of1880s , and he brought forth the " Theory of Abandoning Asia " .

  3. 80年代后期,福泽谕吉(1834-1901)发表《脱亚论》,一股脱亚论主张又在日本社会上流行起来,并开始影响到日本政府的对外决策。

    In the evening of 80s , Yukichi Fukuzawa ( 1834-1901 ) composed Theory of Deviating the Asia , then this theory prevailed in Japanese society , and it start to affect the external policy of the state .