
  • 网络Stern Hu
  1. 澳大利亚官员上周五获得对澳大利亚籍的胡士泰(SternHu)的领事探视权,他是被拘留的四名力拓员工之一。

    Australian officials yesterday gained consular access to one of the four Rio employees being held , Australian Stern Hu .

  2. 本周,包括澳大利亚公民胡士泰(SternHu)在内的四名力拓驻华员工,因涉嫌受贿和侵犯商业秘密而受审。

    Four China-based employees , including Australian citizen Stern Hu , were this week on trial for taking bribes and stealing commercial secrets .

  3. 官方的新华社称,包括澳大利亚公民胡士泰(sternhu)在内的这些人涉嫌受贿和侵犯商业秘密。

    The official Xinhua news agency said the men , who include Australian Stern Hu , have been charged with bribery and violating commercial secrets .

  4. 涉案的是这家澳大利亚矿业巨头的前雇员胡士泰(SternHu,澳大利亚籍)和其他三人。周一是警方结束这起刑事调查的法定截止日期。

    Monday was the legal deadline for police to conclude their investigation in the criminal case against Australian national Stern Hu and three other employees of the Australian mining giant .

  5. 力拓前中方铁矿石谈判代表胡士泰(SternHu)及3名其它中国雇员周二被起诉,提醒着投资者不要忘记力拓的中国问题。

    The indictment on Tuesday of Stern Hu , its former chief iron ore salesman in China , and three associates was a reminder to investors of its so-called China problem .

  6. 力拓已表示,不知道有任何证据能够支持针对该公司在华铁矿石营销主管胡士泰(sternhu)和其他雇员的指控。

    Rio Tinto has said it is not aware of any evidence to support the allegations against Stern Hu , its iron ore marketing chief in China , and its other employees .

  7. 自胡士泰(SternHu)被拘留以来,力拓股价上涨了11%,而防范其债务违约的保险价格下跌了9%。

    Since Stern Hu had his collar felt , Rio 's shares have gained 11 per cent , while the price of protecting its debt against default has fallen by 9 per cent .

  8. 力拓中国区销售兼营销主管胡士泰(SternHu)及这家英澳矿商在中国的其他3名销售员工,自7月4日起被拘留。

    Stern Hu , Rio 's head of sales and marketing in China , and three other of the Anglo - Australian miner 's sales staff in China have been held since July 4 .

  9. 力拓(riotinto)驻中国高管胡士泰(sternhu)还要在监狱再待上两个月,因为北京方面延长了对这名澳大利亚公民及另外三名力拓雇员的调查。

    Stern Hu , a China-based executive for Rio Tinto , faces an additional two months in jail after Beijing extended its investigation into the Australian and three other employees of the mining group .

  10. 这家伦敦上市的矿业公司无法证实3月22日上海法庭的庭审情况。此前有报道称,力拓在华铁矿石销售首席代表胡士泰(SternHu)已在庭审中承认受贿。

    The London-listed mining company could not confirm what had happened in the Shanghai courtroom yesterday , after reports that Stern Hu , Rio 's chief iron ore salesman in China , had admitted taking bribes .

  11. 力拓负责对华铁矿石谈判的高管胡士泰(SternHu)及三名同事定于今日在上海出庭受审,被控罪名是侵犯商业机密与受贿。

    Stern Hu , Rio 's executive in charge of iron ore negotiations with China , and three associates are due to face a Shanghai court on Monday on charges they stole commercial secrets and took bribes .

  12. 力拓(RioTinto)前驻华铁矿石销售负责人胡士泰(SternHu)昨日获刑10年,此前上海一家法院判定他犯有受贿和窃取商业机密罪。

    Rio Tinto yesterday saw Stern Hu , its former top iron ore salesman in China , sentenced to 10 years in jail after a Shanghai court found him guilty of bribery and stealing commercial secrets .

  13. 胡士泰(SternHu)和另外三名力拓(RioTinto)雇员将从下周一开始在上海出庭受审。他们是在9个月前被拘留的,后来被控在中国窃取商业机密和受贿。

    The trial of Stern Hu and three other Rio Tinto employees – detained nine months ago and later charged with stealing commercial secrets and taking bribes in China – will begin on Monday in Shanghai .

  14. 力拓案今日宣判四被告或判有期徒刑预计上海一家法院将宣判澳大利亚公民胡士泰及力拓股份有限公司(RioTintoLtd.)其余三名经理人涉嫌窃取商业秘密和收受贿赂一案。

    Shanghai Court to Issue Rio Tinto Verdicts SHANGHAI ( Dow Jones ) -- A Shanghai court is expected to issue verdicts for Australian national Stern Hu and three other Rio Tinto Ltd. executives on charges of commercial spying and bribe-taking ,

  15. 损害中澳关系的事件还包括:中方对英澳矿商力拓(RioTinto)的一宗高姿态投资落空,以及中国以涉嫌贿赂和获取商业秘密为由,逮捕力拓的4名铁矿石销售高管,其中包括澳大利亚公民胡士泰(SternHu)。

    Sino-Australian relations have also been damaged by the collapse of a high-profile Chinese investment in Anglo-Australian miner Rio Tinto and China 's arrest of four Rio Tinto iron ore sales executives , including Australian citizen Stern Hu , on alleged bribery and commercial espionage charges .

  16. 在场目击者称,整个过程中胡士泰都低着头。

    Witnesses said Mr Hu kept his head bowed the whole time .

  17. 但他不认为胡士泰案件会从总体上影响商业往来。

    But he does not think the Hu case will affect business overall .

  18. 上周,胡士泰承认自己接受了两笔贿赂。

    Last week Mr. Hu admitted he accepted bribes on two occasions from steelmakers .

  19. 实际上,胡士泰的故事更为复杂也更为简单。

    In truth , the tale of Mr Hu is more complicated and simpler .

  20. 胡士泰等四人将被允许会见律师和接受探视。

    The four will now be allowed to meet with lawyers and receive visitors .

  21. 他表示,澳大利亚政府仍在紧急努力,以求通过领事途径与胡士泰取得联系。

    He said the Australian government was still urgently seeking consular access to Mr Hu .

  22. 胡士泰率领与中方谈判的团队,与总部位于澳大利亚的首席谈判代表一起工作。

    He heads the China team , which works with the chief negotiator based in Australia .

  23. 根据中国法律,除非胡士泰被起诉,否则他没有资格聘请法律代表。

    Under Chinese law Mr Hu is not entitled to legal representation unless he is charged .

  24. 胡士泰事件影响到了澳大利亚在中国的业务。

    The coverage of the Hu affair in Australia appears now to be affecting business in China .

  25. 目前中国钢铁企业规模已经雄居全球之冠。胡士泰另外三名受到指控的中国同事分别被判处了7到14年有期徒刑。

    Three of Mr. Hu 's Rio Tinto colleagues received sentences ranging from seven to 14 years .

  26. 不过,上海官方媒体昨日指责力拓四名雇员中的两名(包括胡士泰)涉嫌行贿。

    However , official media in Shanghai yesterday accused two of the four Rio employees , including Mr Hu , of bribery .

  27. 胡士泰的三名下属王勇、葛民强和刘才魁分别判处14年、8年和7年有期徒刑。

    The three subordinates-Chinese nationals Wang Yong , Ge Minqiang and Liu Caikui-were sentenced to 14 , eight and seven years , respectively .

  28. 胡士泰与其他力拓雇员令人震惊地遭到拘留,似乎影响了北京与堪培拉之间此前的稳固关系。

    The shock detention of Mr Hu and the other Rio employees seems to have soured the previously solid relations between Beijing and Canberra .

  29. 要想知道案件所涉及的文件是否真的敏感,可能要等到胡士泰10年刑满之后。

    It may take longer than Mr Hu 's 10 years in prison to find out whether the documents in question were actually sensitive .

  30. 中国很少有案件被宣判无罪,对于某些指控,人们普遍预计会被判成立,这包括针对胡士泰的指控。

    Few court cases in China end in acquittal , and guilty verdicts on some counts are widely anticipated , including against Mr. Hu .