
  • 网络collective contract system
  1. 论集体合同制度在现代企业制度建设中的地位

    The Position of Collective Contract System in Constructing Modern Enterprise System

  2. 关于在电力企业开展集体合同制度试点的研究

    Studying on developing the collective contract system experiments in electric power enterprise

  3. 劳动集体合同制度的建设,具有重要意义。

    It is significant to construct the system of labor collective contract .

  4. 关于建立平等协商与集体合同制度的调研

    Investigation of Creating Equal Negotiation & Collective Contact System

  5. 论构建适应集体合同制度要求的工会制度

    On the Restructuring of the Trade Union System Applicable to Collective Contract Requirement

  6. 新修改的《工会法》确立了工会维权的两个重要机制,其中一个重要机制是平等协商与集体合同制度。

    The revised Trade Union Law established two important mechanism of safeguarding workers ' rights among the trade unions .

  7. 我国推行集体合同制度具有极其重大的政治、经济和社会意义。

    It is of great political 、 economic and social significance to carry out system of collective contract in China .

  8. 集体合同制度的基本功能在于调节劳动关系、维护劳动者的合法权益。

    The basic function of the collective contract system is to regulate labor relations and safeguard the legitimate rights of workers .

  9. 在我国,集体合同制度刚刚起步,没有发挥其调整劳动关系的重要作用。

    The collective agreement system is a very important system in adjusting work relations , solving labor contradiction and resolving labor dispute .

  10. 为形成企业劳动关系自我协调机制,中国开始探索通过平等协商建立集体合同制度,并加以推广。

    To form a self-coordination mechanism of labor relations in enterprises , China has trial-implemented and promoted a group contract system through equal consultation .

  11. 但在我国集体合同制度推进的过程中,集体合同形式化问题也凸现出来,严重影响了这一制度的健康发展。

    But in the process of pushing collective contract system , there are some problems of its formalization . The phenomena affect its healthy development .

  12. 坚持以平等协商集体合同制度为根本的维护职工经济利益的协调机制;

    Trade unions must adhere to the coordination mechanism which is rooted on system of collective contract through equal negotiation to safeguard workers ' economic interests ;

  13. 工会通过平等协商和集体合同制度,协调劳动关系,维护企业职工劳动权益。

    Trade unions shall coordinate the labor relations and safeguard the labor rights and interests of the enterprise employees through equal negotiation and collective contract system .

  14. 本文分析了这些障碍及产生的原因,并提出进一步发挥工会组织在集体合同制度中重要作用的若干思考。

    This paper analyzes the obstacles and causes of these obstacles , and presents some reflections on further exerting the role of trade unions in the collective contract system .

  15. 近年来,集体合同制度不仅在非国有企业推广,而且在国有企业的改革过程中也得到逐步推行。

    In recent years , the group contract system has not only been popularized in non-state enterprises , but also been gradually carried out during the reform of state-owned enterprises .

  16. 巩固和完善劳动合同制度,大力推进集体合同制度,促进劳动关系三方协调机制的建立。

    Consolidate and improve the labor contract system , make great efforts to carry forward the group contract system and promote the establishment of a tripartite coordination mechanism for labor relations .

  17. 集体合同制度是市场经济条件下协调劳动关系的重要法律制度,已为当今世界市场经济国家普遍认可和推行。

    The collective contract system , an important legal system for labor relations coordination under the condition of market economy , has been generally accepted and implemented by countries of market economy .

  18. 在此背景下,完善集体合同制度有助于应对国际金融危机的冲击,尤其是有助于控制失业率急剧上升;增强企业抵御危机的能力;规范集体合同关系;防范经济危机导致社会危机。

    Therefore , in order to deal with the crisis , it is quite necessary to improve the collective contract system , which helps control the soaring unemployment rate , enhance the crisis-resisting ability of enterprises .

  19. 集体合同制度最先产生于西方资本主义国家,作为劳资斗争的理性化产物,其合法地位的取得经历了反对承认保护的艰苦历程。

    Collective contract system first produced in the western capitalist countries , as a rational product of the struggle between labor and capitalist , its legal status has experienced a hard process of disagree admit protect .

  20. 在西方市场经济国家,无论是在立法上还是在理论上,集体合同制度都已经成为一项非常成熟的法律制度,集体合同的内容也已经很完善。

    In the western countries of market economies , no matter in legislation or in theories , the Collective contract system has been a very mature legal system , and the contents of the collective contract has been perfect .

  21. 集体合同制度是全世界劳动法中普遍认同的制度,在我国,集体合同尤其是专项集体合同应当是农民工与用人单位建立劳动关系之首选。

    Collective contract has been an important system all over the world , in our country collective contract and dedicated collective contract are both important to safeguard the peasant-workers ' rights and interests , and so they are the best choose to peasants .

  22. 北京市各级工会结合各自的实际,大力加强平等协商和集体合同制度的建设,把这项制度作为维护职工合法权益的主要形式和工作载体。

    Equal consultation and collective contract system should be strengthened in light of specific conditions of trade union organizations at all levels in Beijing , which are the principal ways and work carriers of safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of workers and staff members .

  23. 集体合同制度发源于十八世纪工人运动不断高涨的英国,之后在工业技术革命发展较快的美国、德国等国得到进一步发展。

    Originating from the Britain in the 18th century when the workers movement was on the upsurge , the collective agreement system had then got a further development in countries such as America and Germany where the Industrial and Technological Revolution was moving at a faster pace .

  24. 建立和完善以平等协商集体合同制度为根本的维护职工经济利益的协调机制;健全和拓展以企务公开为载体的维护职工知情权和参与权的监督机制;

    We must adhere to and develop a mechanism of safeguarding workers ' political rights that take the workers ' congress system as a main body , build and perfect a coordinating mechanism of equal consultation and collective contracts that are basic interests of workers and staff members .

  25. 要解决这些问题,必须加强适合国情的符合社会主义市场经济要求的平等协商集体合同制度的理论研究,着重在提高合同质量、发挥集体合同效能上下功夫,加快推进集体合同立法。

    To solve all these problems , we must strengthen the theory research of the system of Consultation on the Basis of Equality and Collective Contract according to the socialism market economics , emphasis on heightening contract quality and elaborating contract validity , accelerate to boost lawmaking of Collective Contract .

  26. 第一章是集体合同订立制度的理论概述部分,主要阐述了集体合同的概念和种类,对比了集体合同与劳动合同的区别。

    The first chapter is the collective contract system overview of the theoretical part , mainly elaborated collective contract concept and type , contrast the collective contract and labor contract difference .

  27. 特别是通过比较分析的方法,创造性地提出了集体合同订立制度的概念,并且通过法理学的相关内容论证了集体合同订立制度概念的主要法律特征和价值。

    Especially through the methods of comparative analysis , creatively put forward the concept of collective contract system and value , through the jurisprudence related content demonstrated the concept of collective contract system the main legal basis .

  28. 集体协商集体合同制度受到学术界相当多的质疑。

    The system of collective consultation and collective contract is doubted by academic world .

  29. 集体谈判和集体合同制度的作用及其推行

    Function and Operation of Collective-based Negotiations and Contract System

  30. 最后,比较研究了集体合同权利争议处理制度。

    Finally , there is a study on the CA right dispute resolving system in different countries by comparison .