
shèng suàn
  • a stratagem which ensures success
胜算 [shèng suàn]
  • [a stratagem which ensures success]精密地策划;取胜的计谋

  • 多算胜,少算不胜,而况于无算乎?--《孙子.计篇》

  • 而雄略胜算,又得窃闻一二。--唐顺之《答曾石塘总制书》

  • 得势,则胜算在我

胜算[shèng suàn]
  1. 他们的胜算极小。

    They have only an outside chance of winning .

  2. 布朗夫人在11月的选举中仍然没有十足的胜算。

    Ms Brown is still no shoo-in for the November election .

  3. 在新一任联合国秘书长的角逐中,他的胜算很小。

    He was an outsider in the race to be the new UN Secretary-General .

  4. 尽管胜算微乎其微,巴雷还是很快被身不由己地推到了选举的舞台上。

    Barre was quickly drawn into the electoral arena , although with singular lack of success .

  5. “天堂男孩”和“飞奔将军”这两匹赛马在开赛的前两场胜算很大。

    Paradise Boy and the Galloping General have clear chances in the opening two events on the card

  6. 因为我作了充分的准备,所以我觉得我胜算很大。

    Since I was fully prepared , I felt that my chances ofwinning were strong .

  7. 中国版3G有多大胜算?

    What are the Odds for the Chinese Version 3G to Succeed ?

  8. 花旗集团(CitigroupInc.)的研究报告显示,那些愿意现在买进的人胜算的把握更大。

    Research by Citigroup Inc. suggests that the odds are in favor of those willing to build exposure now .

  9. 分析人士表示,若由盖特纳提出请求,那么巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)在说服国会授权更多拨款以调整银行业资本结构方面,将很难有胜算。

    Analysts say Barack Obama would face steeper odds persuading Congress to authorise more money to recapitalise the banking sector if Mr Geithner was the one making the request .

  10. evd胜算有多大?

    How big is EVD cure of success ?

  11. 当地时间周日,勒布朗·詹姆斯率领克里夫兰骑士队在惊心动魄的“抢七”大战中以93-89击败金州勇士队,在胜算不大的情况下完成了前所未有的反败为胜,首次夺得NBA总冠军。

    LeBron James powered the Cleveland Cavaliers to a 93-89 victory over the Golden State Warriors on Sunday in an electrifying Game Seven to complete an improbable comeback unlike any seen before and capture their first NBA championship .

  12. 当咨询公司麦肯锡(mckinsey)对全球近3000名处于公司转型项目中的高管进行调查时发现,那些授命于危难或外部冲击的高管,比那些地位牢固、试图改革的高管胜算更大。

    When McKinsey , the consultancy , surveyed nearly 3000 executives around the world on corporate transformation projects , it found that those undertaken in response to crises or external shocks were a lot less likely to succeed than those attempted from a position of strength .

  13. 且不提我知道今年至少还有一款模块化手机将会推出(以及另一款出人意料与相机进行品牌合作的手机),LG的G5真的很有意思,肯定有一半的胜算可以畅销。

    Now , leaving aside that I know there is at least one more modular phone due out this year ( and another surprising camera co-branding on the horizon ) , the LG G5 is truly interesting and must have half a chance of taking off .

  14. 国内第三方物流如何胜算?

    How can the commodity stream of third party ensure success ?

  15. 韦弗根本不管自己胜算有多大

    Weaver sure doesn 't have a problem with tall odds .

  16. 但如果他成功了,我就还有胜算

    If he does , I 've got a fighting chance .

  17. 如此一来,我们在实现全球经济再平衡方面就多了一些胜算。

    That makes a rebalanced world economy a bit more achievable .

  18. 我告诉他我们胜算很大。

    I told them we had a very strong case .

  19. 有些人,不在乎什么胜算,只愿做对的事情。

    Someone no matter what they are or do what is right .

  20. 皮埃尔:我想你得跟别人合作才有胜算。

    Pierre : I think you are more of a dog person .

  21. 打一场没有胜算的仗是没有荣誉可言的。

    There is no honor in fighting an unwinable battle .

  22. 他们也没多少胜算

    Nobody gave them much of a chance , either .

  23. 你并不是和胜算斗,而是和我斗。

    You 're not playing the numbers , you 're playing me .

  24. 我想我们胜算不小

    I think we 've got a pretty strong case .

  25. 加入乐队是场胜算无几的赌博。

    Being in a band is a bad bet .

  26. 我们人越多胜算就越大。

    The more of us there are , the better chance we stand .

  27. 我认为,贵司在这个问题上有百分之五十的胜算。

    I think you have fifty percent of odds-on to reach your destination .

  28. 我们提防背后,权衡胜算,晴带雨伞。

    We watch our backs , weigh the odds , pack an umbrella .

  29. 胜算最大的做法是去高街找托马斯库克。

    Your best bet is to go to Thomas Cook in high street .

  30. 我认为洛基大有胜算。

    I think rocky 's got a good chance .