
shèng quàn
  • A winning ticket;confidence in victory
胜券 [shèng quàn]
  • [confidence in victory]指取胜的可靠性

  • 胜券在握

胜券[shèng quàn]
  1. 据目前情况看,他似乎胜券在握。

    As things stand at present , he seems certain to win .

  2. 在政治上,这一议题是这个党的一张胜券。

    Politically , this issue is a slam dunk for the party .

  3. 从民意测验来看,他似乎胜券在握。

    Judging by the opinion polls , he seems to be succeeding

  4. 他的部队只有在胜券在握的时候才打地面战。

    His troops will only engage in a ground battle when all the odds are in their favour .

  5. 在最后一轮由克里斯·刘易斯连续投出6个有效球之前,威尔士郡队本来胜券在握。

    At the start of the last over , bowled by Chris Lewis , the Welsh county were favourites .

  6. 《地心引力》的导演阿方索·卡隆拿下最佳导演奖是胜券在握。

    Gravity 's director Alfonso Cuaron is a shoo-in for Best Director .

  7. 《胜券在握》中的人物刻画及语言特色

    Characterization and Features of the Language in " The Catbird Seat "

  8. 瑜伽使你的健康胜券在握。

    Yoga helps put your health in your hands .

  9. 对于手持胜券的人来说,这是多好的运气啊!

    What a bonanza for the winning ticket holders !

  10. 他终于胜券在握了。

    He finally had the game in his hands .

  11. 这件事震惊了一直觉得自己胜券在握的日本当局。

    It shocked the Japanese establishment , which had been certain of success .

  12. 4.胜券在握

    Step 4 : The Odds Are In Your Favour

  13. 是不是有一种完全不用动脑子的策略能保证他的球队胜券在握?

    Is there one fool-proof strategy that will guarantee the victory of the team ?

  14. 据法国估计,越盟几乎没有大炮助阵,法军胜券在握。

    French estimates were that the Viet Minh had minimal artillery support , and France was bound to win .

  15. 你甚至可以把时间限制提高到3分钟,你仍然是胜券在握。

    You can even set the time limit to three minutes ; the odds will still be in your favour .

  16. 卡尔认为他的队会赢,但胜券在握之前,他还不愿高兴太早。

    Karl thought his team would win , but he didn 't want to crow before they were out of the woods .

  17. 他们说,布什已募得1700万捐款,他的名气又大,胜券业已在握。

    George bush , with $ 17 million raised and his name well known , has it in the bag , they say .

  18. 一个记者写道,杜为看起来好像已经胜券在握,一边打发时间一边等着上任。

    One reporter wrote that Dewey was acting like a man who had already been elected and was only passing time , waiting to take office .

  19. 他们清楚地知道,即使自己刻苦学习,有老师、同学和家人的支持,要想使这一尝试获得成功,仍然是难操胜券。

    They are perfectly aware that even with hard work and the support of teachers , classmates and family , success in this venture is hardly guaranteed .

  20. 除非对方已经暗示你将得到这份工作,否则,不要提出任何以上提到的问题,这会让人觉得你已有胜券在握的感觉。

    It 's best to avoid any question that sounds like you assume you already have the position-unless , of course , your interviewer brings it up first .

  21. 但是奥巴马在俄亥俄州告诫支持者不要以为胜券在握了,要走出去,在竞选的最后几天继续努力。

    But Obama cautioned a crowd in Ohio not to take the election for granted , and to get out and work hard in the closing days of the campaign .

  22. 如果你即将结束面试并感觉胜券在握,微笑地站起来并询问你的面试官自己什么时候可以上班。

    If you get to the end of the interview and know that you 've aced it , smile up at the interviewer and ask when you can start working .

  23. 我们将为您提供最好的价格,最好的质量,最快的速度,让您在批发市场中稳握胜券。

    We will provide you with the best price , best quality , fastest speed , allowing you to hold steady in the wholesale market in the confidence in the victory .

  24. 来自中国占卜的灵感,为了在生命中感到愉快与胜券在握,这副牌描述了世间多变的命运与有助于了解及达到成功。

    Inspired by Chinese divination , the cards describe the world 's changing fortune and help to understand and to attain success , in order to be happy and victorious in life .

  25. 看到这女人那种冷静讥讽,胜券在握,好像她已经是一家之主的神气,一时间他恨不得把她气死。

    Something in the woman 's cool , cynical , upper-handish manner , as if she were already master , caused him to feel for the moment as if he could strangle her .

  26. 罗森堡指出,贸易问题成为争论性议题的许多州,比如俄亥俄、密西根和宾夕法尼亚等州,是在总统竞选中所谓的“摇摆不定的州”。在这些州,任何一个政党都不能轻言胜券在握。

    Rothenberg notes that many of the states where trade is contentious issue - like Ohio , Michigan and Pennsylvania - are so-called " swing states " in the presidential race , where neither party can automatically assume victory .

  27. 我从来没有这般胜券在握,这么幸运,太让人兴奋了!我不敢抬眼望向那屋顶,眼光不敢从天空移开,我得聚精会神,聪明地操控风筝。

    I 'd never felt so in command , so lucky It felt intoxicating . I didn 't dare look up to the roof . Didn 't dare take my eyes off the sky . I had to concentrate , play it smart .

  28. 在赛马中,如果一名骑手觉得自己胜券在握,就不需快马加鞭,而是可以“垂着双手”就赢得胜利。这句习语迅速在体育圈之外流行了起来。

    In horse racing , a jockey who 's winning by a wide margin doesn 't need to whip his horse to go faster , and can win with his " hands down . " The phrase soon caught on outside the sporting world .