
  1. 王彤与她的父母去加拿大了。

    Wang Tong has gone to Canada with her parents .

  2. 2006年,王彤出版了一本名为《墙上的毛》(MAOONTHEWALL)的摄影集。

    In2006 , Wang Tong published an album entitled Mao On The Wall .

  3. 王彤的重新拍摄历史,需要体验现场。

    The visual nature of Wang Tong 's reenactment requires experience of the scene .

  4. 被转让人:王彤,女,1952年出生,住加拿大渥太华。

    Transferee : wang tong , female , was born in1952 , residing in ottawa , canada .

  5. 那么,王彤如此兴师动众地以自己的扮演与表演再现历史场面的企图何在?

    So , what is Wang Tong attempting , stirring people up through this provocative performance , through the reenactment of historical scenes ?

  6. 王彤的画面有故事,但是故事却是在物象的韵味之间讲出来,而不是表面的情节。

    The works of Wang Tong have their stories that are spelled out amidst the lingering charm of drawings instead of superficial plots .

  7. 这种重新拍摄历史图像情景,通过摄影来还原历史情景应该不是摄影家王彤的初衷。

    This reenactment of scenes found in historical images , is not an attempt on the part of the artist to recreate the original scene .

  8. 在完成这个规模不小的摄影系列后,身为《中国国家地理》杂志记者与编辑的王彤,似乎沉寂了一段时间。

    Following the completion of this grand-scale photography series , Wang Tong , himself a Chinese National Geography magazine reporter and editor , was silent for some time .