
yáo zhuàn
  • sumptuous courses at a meal
肴馔 [yáo zhuàn]
  • [sumptuous courses at a meal] 丰盛的饭菜

  1. 更不用再说那肴馔之盛。

    No need to dwell on the sumptuousness of that feast .

  2. 款客之道不外是一点炉火,一些肴馔和无边的宁静。

    Hospitality consists in a little fire , a little food and an immense quiet .

  3. 中国肴馔之味,恰似中国诗,倘若能一语道破那谜底,倏然间那味就全没了。

    China Yaozhuan of taste , like Chinese poetry , if that answer can be exposed , Shuran between the taste on the whole did not .
