
shēng zhèn
  • sonic boom;acoustic shock
声震[shēng zhèn]
  1. 烟笼大地,声震蓝天。

    7th , Li Jian British Smoke cage earth , acoustic shock blue sky .

  2. 汽笛声震得她耳朵都快聋了。

    The noise of the siren was deafening her .

  3. 飞机的声震就是一个例子。

    One example is provided by the sonic booms from airplanes .

  4. 声震法提高煤储层渗透率的实验与机理

    Experiment and mechanism for enhancing coalbed penetrating coefficient with ultrasonic vibration

  5. 导弹降落了,巨大的爆炸声震得山摇地动。

    It landed and a huge explosion shook the earth .

  6. 声震世界钢琴界的重庆崽儿

    Chongqing Youngster Who is Well-known in the Piano World

  7. 翻译我们快被外面的吵架声震聋了。

    We are being deafened by the quarrels outside .

  8. 喧闹声震得他耳朵快要聋了。

    He was deafened by the clamorous voices .

  9. 我经常感到两只耳朵被人的说话声震聋了。

    I usually felt two ear quilts the talking of person the voice the earthquakeed .

  10. 那爆炸声震得我耳朵嗡嗡作响。

    The explosion made my ears sing , ie made me hear a singing sound .

  11. 呼声大作,声震云霄。

    Loud cries rent the air .

  12. 利用声震原理测量弹箭落点坐标方法的探讨

    A Method of Measuring the Impact of the Projectile or Rocket with the Theory of Sound and Quake

  13. 当它们来到草地上时,狼还躺在大树下睡觉,呼噜声震得树枝直抖。

    When they came to the meadow , there lay the wolf by the tree and snored so loud that the branches shook .

  14. 康科德的战斗以及莱克星顿“声震全世界的一枪”,实际上非正式地宣布了殖民地独立战争的开始。

    The battle of Concord and its " shot heard round the world " would mark the unofficial beginning of the colonies war for independence .

  15. 1934年,声震西北的尕司令马仲英离开所部三十六师,前往苏联,从此再未能返回,其下落有种种说法。

    In1934 , Ma Zhongying , a famous commander in northwest China , left No.36 Division , went to Soviet Union , and never came back .

  16. 卡莱尔击出一记长球,飞得几乎和场地一样远——那轰隆声震得我的耳朵生疼——然后他和爱德华双双上垒。

    Carlisle knocked one so far out of the field - with a boom that hurt my ears - that he and Edward both made it in .

  17. 亚伯拉罕和丽莎·露低声哭着,盼盼和素素为了发泄他们的悲痛,就号啕大哭,声震四壁;王子被放进坟坑的时候,他们都站在坟坑的四周。

    Abraham and'Liza-Lu sobbed , Hope and Modesty discharged their griefs in loud blares which echoed from the walls ; and when Prince was tumbled in they gathered round the grave .

  18. 这时候猪的哀嚎声,震于天际。

    The pig wailed off the ceiling .

  19. 战场目标声/震侦察与识别

    Detection and Identification of Targets on Battlefield

  20. 就在这时,虽然离日落还有一两个小时,一声炮响震得岛上回声不绝。

    For just then , although the sun had still an hour or two to run , all the echoes of the island awoke and bellowed to the thunder of a cannon .

  21. 隔壁体声音响把耳震聋。

    We 're being deafened by next door 's stereo .

  22. 这嘈杂声会把我们震聋。

    This noise will deafen us all .

  23. 一个士兵在喊:五、四、三、二、一,起爆!沙滩下传出一声巨响,碉堡震了一下。

    Igniting : five , four , three two , one , a soldier shouted , yielding a thud from below the sand and a shake of the bunker .