
  • 网络PaulKench;Okecie
  1. 肯切希望你们接受我的申请,并尽快审理我的文件。

    Sincerely hoping that you will process my application and expedite my papers at your earliest convenience .

  2. 就在爱伦犹豫不决的时侯,楼上传来了温柔、凄婉、肯切的小提琴声。

    And while she hesitated , from the room above came the soft , racking , petitionary music of a violin .

  3. 借答辩机会,万分肯切的希望各位老师能够提出宝贵的意见,我将虚心接受从而不断进一步深入学习研究,使该论文得到完善和提高。

    By this opportunity , very sincerely hope that the teacher can put forward valuable suggestions , I earnestly express my hope for your valuable advice , and I will accept your advice and have a deeper study to improve this thesis .