
  • 网络historian way
  1. 一部家族兴衰史道出多少人间苦乐。

    A family prosperity and decline history says how many world sadness and happiness .

  2. 约瑟夫?康拉德以他独特的题材和风格构成了现代英国文学史上一道亮丽的风景线。

    Conrad holds a special place in modern English literature for his special theme and style .

  3. 时至今日,他的文学批评仍是中国现代文学批评史上一道亮丽的风景。

    Until now , his literary criticism still shows vivid view in contemporary Chinese literary criticism history .

  4. 天人关系史就是以道物关系史为基础的文明发展史。

    The history of the relationship between nature and man is actually the history of civilization development .

  5. 平话是文学史上一道独特而亮丽的风景线,在中国文学发展史中具有里程碑式的意义。

    Ping Hua is a unique and beautiful scenic in phytogeny of Chinese literature which has landmark significance .

  6. 在一定程度上完善了词的言志功能,成为词史上一道特殊的景观。

    To some extent improved the function of the word in a specific historical landscape one word blog .

  7. 71岁的史戴西补充道:我们第一次见它的时候,它身上还有跳蚤跟耳疥虫。

    Stacy , who is 71 , added : When we first got her she had fleas and ear mites .

  8. 在中国哲学史上,道这一范畴是由道家首先提出来的。

    In the history of Chinese philosophy , " Tao " in the area is first put forward by the Taoists .

  9. 71岁的史戴西补充道:“我们第一次见它的时候,它身上还有跳蚤跟耳疥虫。”

    Stacy , who is 71 , added : " When we first got her she had fleas and ear mites 。

  10. 唐传奇侠女题材的作品可谓是唐代小说史上一道靓丽的风景线。

    Legends with the theme of knightly females may be called a wonder in the history of fictions in the Tang Dynasty .

  11. 红色经典作品产生于一个特殊的历史时期,是中国文学史上一道亮丽的风景。

    The " Red Classics " works were produced in a particular historical period , which is a beautiful landscape of the literature history .

  12. 再论外国建筑史教学之道&教研结合,史论并重,开拓外建史教学新视野

    The Teaching Method Review for World Architectural History & Combination with Teaching and Research , History and Theory , Making a New Field for Architectural History Teaching

  13. “先锋小说”曾以怪异的叙述方式、独特的感觉体验、超前的语言实验为特色,成为当代文学史上一道亮丽风景。

    Pioneer novels , featured in monstrous ways of narration , blue-chip feeling experiences and bolshie 's tongue experiments , once were dazzling in the history of contemporary literature .

  14. 魏晋南北朝妇女是我国古代妇女史上一道靓丽的奇葩,为我国古代文化事业的发展做出突出贡献。

    Women of Wei , Chin and the South and North Dynasties are brilliant existence in ancient women history that made outstanding contribution to the construction of Chinese ancient cultural undertakings .

  15. 气在学术思想史上呈现为道,道即儒家仁义之道,道合性理,是人之性、物之理的总和。

    Qi is presented as Tao in the study of ideology .

  16. 它是中泰文化交流史上的一道重要人文景观。

    They are an important milestone in the history of Chinese-Thai cultural exchanges .

  17. 有唐一代诗歌中涉及到笛声的诗篇成为唐朝诗歌史上的一道奇特景观。

    Poems concerning flute sound are a wonder in the poetic history of the Tang Dynasty .

  18. 日本近代文学史上的两道分水岭&试论《浮云》与《金色夜叉》

    Two Watersheds in Japanese Modern Literary History & On and Cloud Drift The Golden Night Fork ;

  19. 语言艺术和图像艺术的相互模仿,在中外文艺史上形成一道亮丽的风景。

    The mutual imitation of the linguistic and pictorial arts is a traditional topic in the history of art both in China and elsewhere .

  20. “除名毁忆”是罗马史上的一道独特风景,其意为对一个人身后之名的制裁,与罗马传统的名誉文化息息相关。

    Damnatio memoriae , or dishonoring someone by removing him from remembrance , is unique in Roman history and closely related to the culture of honor in Roman tradition .

  21. 在史学理论方面,龚自珍提出著名的尊史说,认为史为道先。

    In historical theory , he put forward the famous theory " Respecting History ", which concentrated on history before the law .