
  • 网络Stock underwriting;IPO
  1. 股票承销业务中VaR的计算方法

    Calculation of VaR in Securities Underwriting

  2. 摩根士丹利唯一表现良好的业务是股票承销,特别是科技股IPO。

    The one business that has been working for Morgan is equity underwriting , in particular tech deals .

  3. 据官方媒体报道,2007年时,瑞银(ubs)与高盛(goldmansachs)在中国国内股票承销中分别排名第三与第六。

    In 2007 , UBS ranked third and Goldman Sachs was sixth in underwriting domestic Chinese listings , state media said .

  4. 我国投资银行股票承销合作网络结构的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Stock Underwriting Cooperation Network Structure of China 's Investment Banks

  5. 这提供了从股票承销、出售战略股权,以及其它与股票相关的筹资中赚取佣金的潜在可能。

    This provides potential for fees from share placings , selling strategic stakes , and other equity-linked fundraisings .

  6. 高盛的投行业务实现了盈利,包括金融咨询服务和股票承销。

    The bank made money from its investment banking arm , which includes financial advisory services and equity underwriting .

  7. 该公司控制着二级经纪市场约8%的份额,在股票承销方面约占20%份额。

    It controls about 8 per cent of the secondary broking market and about 20 per cent of equity underwriting .

  8. 二季度,这家银行的股票承销和交易佣金收入同比分别大增55%和25%。

    Fees from stock market underwriting and trading rose 55 % and 25 % from the same period a year ago .

  9. 证券公司违反本通知规定的,比照〈证券经营机构股票承销业务管理办法〉的有关规定予以处罚。

    Any securities companies breaking this Circular shall be punished according to relevant provisions in managerial procedures on securities operational organizations undertaking shares .

  10. 对券商而言,是对其卖方业务(股票承销)的延伸,券商直投可以为证券公司开辟新的盈利模式。

    It is an extension of the seller business to the broker and it may be a new profit model to the broker , too .

  11. 通过建立投资银行股票承销无权和加权合作网络,挖掘网络内在的拓扑结构特征。

    By building unweighted and weighted investment banks ' stock IPO underwriting cooperation network , we dig out the internal topology structure characteristics of the network .

  12. 研究A股股票承销业务风险管理的目的就是要找出如何通过建立规范的业务程序及风险管理程序及方法来规避、减小证券公司的风险。

    The aims of discussing risk management of A underwriting stocks business is to set up business and risk management procedure to small and evade risks of underwriting stocks business .

  13. 这位监管机构的官员称,外资公司将获准在与国内公司组建的证券经纪及股票承销合资公司中持有33%的股份,并允许它们收购中国现有证券公司不超过20%的股份。

    The regulator said foreign firms will be allowed to take 33 per cent stakes in brokerage and underwriting joint ventures with domestic firms and be allowed to invest up to 20 per cent in existing Chinese securities firms .

  14. 如果市场上没有人买这些股票,承销商就会买下来。

    If the market will not buy the shares , the underwriter buys them

  15. 多年来,高盛在全球股票发行承销,全球IPO发行承销,全球企业并购等主营业务领域一直在国际大投行中排名首位。

    Kuoshing has listed the first among international investment banks , in the main operations fields of global stock issuing and saling , global IPO issuing and saling , global mergence and acquisition .

  16. 就连特斯拉青睐的股票发行承销商高盛(GoldmanSachs)的分析师现在也认为,谁都不应买入这些股票:其股价目标为180美元,比当前价格低近一半。

    Even analysts at Goldman Sachs , Tesla 's preferred underwriter for the share sales , now reckon no one should buy them : its price target of $ 180 is almost 50 per cent below the current level .

  17. 证券公司这些经纪商的主营业务应该是股票发行承销和代客交易购买了另外的15%。

    Securities houses brokerages whose main business ought to be underwriting equity issues and trading for clients bought another 15 per cent .

  18. 分析师表示,并购活动和债务与股票发行承销收入的大幅上升,将在一定程度上弥补欧洲投行的收入减少。

    A significant rise in mergers and acquisitions activity and underwriting of debt and equity issues would partially plug the gap for European banks , analysts said .

  19. 该银行还计划撤出美国固定收益自营业务,并将股票和债券承销业务合并。

    The bank also plans to pull out of fixed-income proprietary trading in the US and combine its equity and debt underwriting operations .

  20. 若市场上存在感性投资者,发行人的最优策略是分阶段发行以获得更高的利润。其次,对存在股权分置时,发行人选择承销商售出IPO股票也即对承销的情况进行分析。

    The issuer is best to offer shares with many times to get a higher profit . Second , analyze the case that the issue chooses underwriter to sell IPO stock ( under-writing ) when the stock market exists split share structure .

  21. 我国的投资银行作为一种新兴的金融服务业,从80年代初发行和承销债券开始,发展到股票的发行、承销及证券经纪业务。

    The investment banking business of China saw its beginning at the early 1980s .