
ròu bǐng
  • meat pie
肉饼 [ròu bǐng]
  • [meat pie] 用面和肉做的面饼

肉饼[ròu bǐng]
  1. 面包、黄油、白兰地和一块肉饼,

    Bread , cheese , brandy and a meat pie .

  2. 玛丽:你想吃一块肉饼吗你最喜欢吃的。

    Mary : Would you like a piece of meat pie It 's your favorite .

  3. 新举措与麦当劳的营销活动“你的问题,我们的食物”(YourQuestions,OurFood)同时推出。麦当劳会在这项活动中回答消费者的问题,比如店里使用的鸡蛋是否为刚打破的,或是他们如何烹制牛肉饼。

    The move coincides with McDonald 's " Your Questions , Our Food " marketing campaign , in which the company answers questions like whether the eggs it uses are freshly cracked and how it cooks its beef patties .

  4. 7月底,上海一家电视台曝光上海福喜食品有限公司(ShanghaiHusiFood)给过期肉篡改包装生产日期,并使用过期牛肉生产肉饼。

    The OSI subsidiary , Shanghai Husi Food , was caught by a Shanghai TV channel in late July re-labelling expired meat packages and using expired beef to make patties .

  5. 为了做牛排,他们将肉磨碎,用它制成肉饼,叫做“汉堡牛排(Hamburgsteak)”。

    In order to make a beef steak , they would grind up the meat and create a steak from what remained , calling it a ' Hamburg steak . "

  6. 为了做牛排,他们将肉磨碎,用它制成肉饼,叫做汉堡牛排(Hamburgsteak)。

    In order to make a beef steak , they would grind up the meat and create a steak from what remained , calling it a ' Hamburg steak ' .

  7. 英国肉饼制造商ginsters通过改用机器人做包装及搬运工作,使产量提高了一倍以上。

    Switching to robotic packing and palletising allowed ginsters , the UK pasty maker , to more than double output from its factory .

  8. 在电影《蒂凡尼的早餐》中,奥黛丽·赫本饰演的角色有一只没有名字的可怜小笨猫,凭借这一角色Orangey获得了“动物奥斯卡金奖”,以“小肉饼”一名熟为人知。

    His most notable role is probably Audrey Hepburn 's " poor slob without a name " cat in Breakfast at Tiffany 's , a role that earned him the prestigious " animal Academy Award " known as a PATTY .

  9. 有人要素食汉堡的吗?(素)肉饼在这里。

    Anyone need a veggie burger ? Here is the patty .

  10. 规则5.烙牛肉饼并不有损你的尊严。

    RULE 5 . Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity .

  11. 但翻转夹肉饼肯定没问题。

    But flipping burgers isn 't out of the question .

  12. 按照你的面包大小做几个肉饼,中间做成凹进去一点。

    Make patties based on the size of your buns .

  13. 我在看诱人的肉饼在微波炉里旋转。

    I 'm watching my potpie rotate in the microwave .

  14. 在做肉饼时,鸡蛋将不同的原料黏合在一起。

    In a meatloaf , they bind disparate ingredients together .

  15. 我很抱歉,我吃了你的肉饼,铁匠。

    I 'm sorry I ate your pie , blacksmith .

  16. 特价有5仙一块肉饼。

    Specials we 've got meatloaf at5 cents a slice .

  17. 你也会有一份肉饼,匹普,乔和蔼地说。

    ' You shall have some , Pip ,' said Joe kindly .

  18. 你的祖父母在烙牛肉饼这件事上可有不同看法。

    Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping .

  19. 高品质的汉堡包肉饼完全是由牛肉和调味料制成。

    A high-quality hamburger patty is made entirely of ground beef and seasonings ;

  20. 燕麦膳食纤维汉堡肉饼的研制

    Research on hamberg meat pancake with oat food fibre

  21. 所以,就让我们向油炸圈和夹肉饼说“不”吧。

    So say No to that doughnut and burger .

  22. 乳酸发酵汉堡肉饼的研制

    Developing studies on the lactic fermentation of Hamburg cutlet

  23. 我们都吃了几块特别棒的鸽肉饼,然后是冰冻甜食。

    We all had some splendid pigeon pie , and ices to follow .

  24. 汉堡肉饼让我们先准备汉堡肉。山胡桃。

    burger patty Let 's make the burger-patties first .

  25. 我已经帮你准备好汉堡肉饼了。

    I made up the burger patties for you .

  26. 一块超大的肉饼被夹在九寸半的芝麻饼中。

    An oversized Whopper patty was sandwiched between a nine-and-a-half inch sesame bun .

  27. 我渐渐地不害怕了,大家都把丢肉饼的事抛到脑后去了。

    I began to feel better now that everyone had forgotten the missing pie .

  28. 她就叫那是肉饼吗?

    She just cries is that bake meat ?

  29. 不,我要你去揍那个肉饼白脸。

    No , I want you to beat in his pasty , white face .

  30. 他们做的肉饼还值得一试。

    They make a mean Patty melt .