
hǔ pò sè
  • amber
  1. 破云而出的阳光透过窗户送来一束琥珀色的光线。

    A burst of sunshine sent a beam of amber light through the window

  2. 他用力摇晃这个琥珀色的瓶子。

    He shook the amber bottle vigorously .

  3. 使用安捷伦新型中等功率红色和琥珀色LED,可以实现使用较少的LED而得到相同的亮度。

    With Agilent 's new mid-power red and amber lamps , signs can be designed using fewer individual LEDs to provide equivalent brightness .

  4. 我还尝试了皇家托卡伊(RoyalTokaji)的2003年5Puttonyos(Puttonyo是当地采集葡萄的容器,用以表示甜度等级——译注)葡萄酒,它在酒瓶中会变成深琥珀色。

    I tried a 2003 5 Puttonyos from Royal Tokaji , which had turned a dark amber in the bottle .

  5. 一种新型琥珀色CRT显示荧光材料

    A new amber CRT display material

  6. 一个有自尊心的穴居人会在晚上8点戴着琥珀色护目镜查看iPhone吗?

    Would a self-respecting cave man check his iPhone after 8 p.m. , as long as he was wearing amber goggles ?

  7. 本文采用10ppmSncl2为褐变阻滞剂,可延缓酒色变暗。果酒贮藏1年,能保持中度琥珀色,酒液明亮,酒味清香醇和。

    This paper resort 10 ppm SnCl_2 serve as darkening inhibitor , the wine may delay darkening , after 1 year storaged it kept medium amber colour and bright in appearance , the wine presented delicious and mild taste .

  8. 温暖水域中几种琥珀色到紫铜色叉形尾巴的鲹科鱼。

    Any of several amber to coppery fork-tailed warm-water carangid fishes .

  9. 交通灯从绿色变成琥珀色再变成红色。

    The traffic lights changed from green to amber to red .

  10. 但是如果有光照在上面就会变成琥珀色。

    But when the light hits them they change to amber .

  11. 干的暗淡的琥珀色葡萄酒的种类。

    Amber-colored dessert wine from Madeira . dry pale amber variety .

  12. 姜汁浅色无甜味的啤酒暗琥珀色品种的甜酒。

    Pale - dry ginger ale . sweet dark amber variety .

  13. 色泽是水白色,琥珀色或深色。

    The colors include water white , amber or dark colors .

  14. 琥珀色的缎子和白色的饰带正是她所想要的。

    Amber satin and white lace is exactly what she desire .

  15. 琥珀色:葡萄酒所具有的类似琥珀的颜色。

    Amber . Colour of a wine resembling that of amber .

  16. 更像是闪着琥珀色亮光的金黄他现在就能变成狼吗

    More gold with amber highlights.Can he turn into a wolf now ?

  17. 它是一种高度透明的、带琥珀色的材料。

    It is a highly transparent , amber coloured material .

  18. 有苹果汁般的琥珀色,苹果风味,也像干姜水。

    It had an apple-like flavor , but also like ginger ale .

  19. 【句型讲解】但是如果有光照在上面就会变成琥珀色。

    But when the light them they change to amber .

  20. 她琥珀色的眼睛和女低音对他是一种安慰。

    Her amber eyes and her alto voice were comfort to him .

  21. 夏季这里都是琥珀色蓝天下的土地。

    Summer is amber land under a sky of blue .

  22. 房间里现在是一片琥珀色的灯光和阴影。

    The room was now a shell of amber light and shadows .

  23. 今年布什送给劳拉的生日礼物是一条琥珀色的三排珠水晶项链。

    This year , it 's a triple-strand necklace with amber-colored citrine .

  24. 在蜂房酿造你芳香琥珀色蜜糖。

    And build thy perfumed ambers up his hive .

  25. 色彩变化万千,清晨那琥珀色的稻田

    Colors changing hue , morning fields of amber grain

  26. 但很奇怪,很少有澳洲人会品尝这种琥珀色的佳酿。

    Oddly , few Aussies sip the amber nectar .

  27. 淡紫色的、玫瑰色的和琥珀色的色调开始在天空中微微颤动起来。

    Hues of purplish , rose and amber begin to pulsate in the sky .

  28. 琥珀色的水晶我知道那条项链是凯瑟琳的

    With an amber crystal . I know it . It belonged to Katherine .

  29. 眼睛颜色:暗琥珀色或暗棕色,与被毛颜色相一致。

    Eye Color : Shades of amber or brown , in accordance with coat color .

  30. 琥珀色的眼睛也一个不寻常的美国膏和显着的特征。

    The amber eyes are also an unusual and distinguishing trait of the American Creams .