
tán zi
  • jar;earthen jar;bombonne;earthen jug;crock
坛子 [tán zi]
  • [earthern jug] 大的球形罐;特指陶器乌尔夫罐

坛子[tán zi]
  1. 坛子装满了水。

    The jar holds water .

  2. 他发现里面有一只有盖的铜坛子。

    He found in it a copper jar with a lid .

  3. 我生命中这个新男人(就叫他戴夫吧),他的前女友是个醋坛子。

    The new man in my life ( let 's call him Dave ) had a very jealous ex-girlfriend .

  4. 我喜欢这道!老坛子,酸辣口味,非常开胃!

    I like this ! Sour spicy vege ! Good appetizer !

  5. 某人头上平稳地顶着水坛子向前走去

    Walk along with a water jar poised on one 's head

  6. 那她为什么买那么大一个泡菜坛子?

    But why did she buy such a big kimchi fridge ?

  7. 她心胸太狭窄,是个十足的醋坛子。

    Having a narrow mind , she is a very jealous woman .

  8. 那位妇女头上顶着一只大坛子。

    The woman lifted a big jar on her head .

  9. 高师:您看见那边那个大坛子吗?

    Gao shi : can you see the big jar over there ?

  10. 拿着镰刀的企鹅,来到一只坛子前。

    The penguin comes to a jar with a sickle .

  11. 为什么?难道不是我把你从坛子里放出来的吗?

    Why ? Didn 't I set you free from the jar ?

  12. 我需要一个坛子做泡菜。

    I need a jar to make the krauts .

  13. 这里是小坛子的空间,欢迎大家来这里了解我

    You are warmly welcome to come here frequently to know more about me

  14. 圆圆的坛子,在一座小山上。

    And round it was , upon a hill .

  15. 那个坛子里除了水什么也没有。

    There was nothing but water in that jar .

  16. 过了一会儿,一缕青烟从坛子里缓缓冒出。

    After a while a light smoke came slowly out of the jar .

  17. 弗兰克·斯莱德中校:这简直是一坛子狗屎!

    Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade : This is such a crock of shit !

  18. 两只盛有腌红花菜豆的大坛子。

    Two large crocks containing salted runner beans .

  19. 橄榄是装在坛子里的吧?

    Olives are packed in jars , eh ?

  20. 没有什么比女人直接对着坛子喝酒更缺少女人味的了。

    There is nothing less feminine than a woman drinking out of a jug .

  21. 然后他把这些豆腐放进坛子里。

    Then he put it into a crock .

  22. 他旋掉了坛子上的盖儿。

    He twisted the lid off the jar .

  23. 这里有那麽多的油坛子。

    Here are so many oil jars .

  24. 噢,我男朋友过来啦,他可是个大醋坛子呦

    " Uh-oh , here comes my boy friend , he 's insanely jealous . "

  25. 混合泡菜坛子里装有黄瓜、菜花片和洋葱。

    Jars of mixed pickles contain gherkins and pieces of cauliflower as well as onions .

  26. 她是个醋坛子。

    She is a jealous wife .

  27. 用陶罐或坛子煮,炖,煨(兔肉等)

    To stew ( a hare , for example ) in an earthenware jug or jar .

  28. 我把一只圆形的坛子,放在田纳西的山顶。

    I placed a jar in Tennessee , And round it was , upon a hill .

  29. 他把我禁锢在坛子里,并叫人把坛子抛入大海。

    He shut me up in the copper jar and had it cast into the sea .

  30. 我丈夫是个醋坛子。

    My husband is insanely jealous .