
  • 网络Structure group;structural group
  1. 本文给出了结构群ISO(3,1)元素左右作用的两种不同表示。

    Two different representations are given to the left and right action of all the elements of structure group ISO ( 3.1 ) .

  2. 考虑时空M为u4空间,建立以M为底流形、SL(2,c)为结构群的二维复矢量丛,丛上联络作为规范势。

    A complex two dimensional vector bundle is constructed , which structure group is SL ( 2 , c ) , base manifold is spacetime M and M is u space .

  3. 用半解析元法分析结构群桩土系统自振特性

    Analysis of Natural Vibration of Structure-Pile Group-Soil system by Semi-Analytical Method

  4. 辛三代数的结构群和结构代数

    Structure Group and Structure Algebra of the Symplectic Ternary Algebras

  5. 然后,我们将看到微分同胚群作用下的辛商为特殊子流形模空间上的以环面为结构群的丛。

    And then we will see that in the framework of diffeomorphism group the symplectic quotient is torus bundle over the moduli space of special submanifold .

  6. 格型滤波器结构群:研究表明,五种基本格型单元结构虽然具有相似的表达式但它们具有各自的性能特征。

    A set of lattice filter structures : It is shown that the five elementary lattices have different characteristics even their expressions of transfer function are similar .

  7. 双重结构粒子群和K近邻法用于生理信号情感状态识别的研究

    A Study of Affective States Recognition Based on Dual-Structure Particle Swarm Optimization and K-Nearest Neighbors from Physiological Signals

  8. D(6h)~4结构空间群的IR矩阵和IR基的计算

    The Calculation of D 4 6h Structure Space Groups IR Matrics and IR Gelfand Basis

  9. SU(N)群生成元的矩阵结构和群结构常数的计算

    The Matrix Structure of the Generators of SU ( N ) Group and Calculations of the Group Structure Constants

  10. 分析了产品并行开发过程中群体决策支持的特点,提出了一种基于多Agent结构的群决策支持系统。

    In the paper , the characteristics of group decision during concurrent product development process are analyzed and a group decision support system with multi agent structure is put forward .

  11. A-15结构空间群C&G系数计算

    Calculation of the C-G Coefficients for the Structure A-15 Space Groups

  12. D(6h)~4结构空间群C-G系数的计算

    Calculation of the C-G Coefficients for the Structure D_ ( 6h ) ~ 4 Space Groups

  13. 本文利用陈金全创立的本征函数法,计算了一些高温超导材料所属的A-15结构空间群在第一布里渊区内的C-G系数。并对计算方法进行了讨论。

    In this paper , the eigenfunction method established by Chen Jin-quan is used to compute the Clebsch-Gorden coefficients in regard to coupling between the partial symmetry points and lines with each other in the first Brillouin zone of the structure A-15 space groups .

  14. 强作用粒子对称性的群结构与群表示

    The Group Structures and Representations of the Strongly Interacting Particles Symmetry

  15. 多层次组合结构模型群方法及其应用

    The Method of Hierarchical Composite Structure Model Group and Its Application

  16. 晶体结构空间群对称元素分布

    Distribution of Symmetry Elements of Space Group in Crystal Structure

  17. 定义了与编织材料几何结构对称群有关的对称操作和对称元素等概念;

    Symmetric operations and symmetric elements of braided geometric structures are defined .

  18. 多种结构建筑群一次性爆破拆除

    Demolition of Complex Structured Buildings by Single-shot-firing Blasting

  19. 晶体结构空间群的变化

    Change variation of space group of crystal structure

  20. 这座宫殿是世界上最大、最完整的古代木结构建筑群。

    The palace is the largest and most complete wooden-structure building complex in the world .

  21. 结构裂缝群的小波方法识别和数值模拟

    Identification of Structural Crack Groups by Means of Wavelet Method and the Numerical Simulation of Crack Groups

  22. 考虑上部结构-群桩-土相互作用的整体空间结构体系的动力分析

    Dynamic analysis of global spatial structure under consideration of mutual action of up-structure foundation of piles and soil

  23. 分析和仿真表明,相对于传统蜂窝结构,群小区架构的小区间干扰并没有大幅度的提高。

    Analyses and simulation results indicate that the inter-cell interference of group cell will not increase more than traditional cellular structure .

  24. 桩单元长度动态调整的编程技术等.通过工程算例证明了基坑挡土结构粒子群优化设计方法的可行性和适用性。

    The feasibility and applicability of the particle swarm optimization design method are finally confirmed with the analyses of an engineering case .

  25. 目的:了解中脑网状结构神经元群损伤对意识的影响及其机制。

    Objective : To investigate the influence of damage of midbrain reticular formation on the mental status and its potential mechanism ( s ) .

  26. 因此,区分出异常磁结构黑子群对质子耀斑的预报和机制研究可能是有意义的。

    Thus , the seperation of the abnormal configurations may be meaningful in view of the importance in the forecasting and studying the mechanism of proton flares .

  27. 独创性地提出了复杂的层次式协作系统结构&群簇,对传统的树型层次结构加以扩充,使其能够描述由多个协作群体组成的复杂大系统(群体的群体)。

    A new complex hierarchical structure , Group Cluster , is firstly proposed . Expanded from traditional tree structure , the Group Cluster can illustrate the complex system .

  28. 这家美国汽车制造商5个月前租约过期时,才以6.26亿美元购买了这个七塔结构建筑群,并表示,房产市场低迷提供了(买入的)好机会。

    The US carmaker bought the seven-tower complex for $ 626m just five months ago when its lease expired , saying the weak property market presented a good opportunity .

  29. 由双排支护桩结构和群桩基础组成的联合作用体系可以有效控制基坑的变形,被广泛应用于基坑支护设计中。

    The combined action system composed of double-row supporting piles and composite pile group foundation can control the deformation of foundation pit . Also , it is used in the supporting design of foundation pit widely .

  30. 预测RNA二级结构离散粒子群优化算法

    Discrete particle swarm optimization for RNA secondary structure prediction