
  • 网络lamentation;book of lamentations;Lamentations of Jeremiah
  1. 我们只抽“耶利米哀歌”那章,正好配香烟。

    We only smoke the Lamentations . Just right for a cigarette .

  2. 共收录周代诗歌305篇。耶利米哀歌的大部分篇章都和诗篇119篇一样,属于离合诗。

    It compiles 305 poems of Zhou Dynasty Most of the book of Lamentations , like Ps 119 , is an acrostic .

  3. 耶利米哀歌的大部分篇章都和诗篇119篇一样,属于离合诗。在《旧约全书》中以他的悲愤的关于他的人民的罪恶的《耶利米哀歌》而被人们纪念的以色列先知。

    Most of the book of Lamentations , like Ps 119 , is an acrostic . an Israelite prophet in the Old Testament who is remembered for his angry lamentations ( jeremiads ) about the wickedness of his people .

  4. 耶利米为约西亚作哀歌。所有歌唱的男女也唱哀歌,追悼约西亚,直到今日。

    Jeremiah composed laments for Josiah , and to this day all the men and women singers commemorate Josiah in the laments .

  5. 耶利米是上帝的先知并著有两部著作-耶利米书和耶利米哀歌。

    Jeremiah , was a prophet of God and wrote two books or scrolls - Jeremiah and Lamentations .