
nài hàn xìng
  • drought tolerance;drought hardiness
耐旱性[nài hàn xìng]
  1. 甘蔗叶绿体荧光参数、MDA含量及膜透性与耐旱性的关系

    Chloroplast fluorescence parameters , MDA content and plasma membrane permeability in sugarcane and their relation to drought tolerance

  2. 作物耐旱性QTL定位和分析的思路

    Mapping and Analysis of QTL for Drought Tolerance in Crops

  3. 用树木年生长周期中πP值的最低值和年变幅表示被测树种耐旱性强弱,得到了较为满意的结果。

    By means of using the minimum value of π _P and the annual variation value of π _P express the drought-endurance , the results are satisfactory .

  4. PV曲线在杨树耐旱性鉴别中的应用

    Appli-cation of PV-curve in Evaluating Poplar Drought Tolerance

  5. 运用PV技术对华北常见造林树种耐旱性评价的研究

    Study on Drought-resistance Evaluation of Common Afforestation Species in North China by PV Technique

  6. 从而可增强玉米的耐旱性。水分胁迫下玉米叶片中存在乙烯和多胺的相互制约关系,多胺可能参与DNA和蛋白质合成的调节。

    Ethylene and polyamine could condition each other in maize leaves under water stress , while polyamine could adjust the biosynthesis of DNA and protein .

  7. PEG胁迫下新疆主要加工番茄萌芽期耐旱性评价

    Drought Tolerance Analysis of Main Processing Tomato Cultivars from Xinjiang by PEG Stress during Germination Stage

  8. 大豆定向选择群体耐旱性位点基因型分析及QTL定位

    Genotype and QTL analysis of drought tolerance loci for directional population in soybean

  9. NaCl胁迫对耐旱性不同的小麦生长及溶质含量的影响

    Effects of NaCl stress on growth and content of several solutes of Wheat Cultivars with different drought-tolerance

  10. 在水分胁迫下对5个不同耐旱性品种小麦幼芽、幼苗中丙二醛(MDA)含量变化及保护酶、淀粉酶活性进行比较研究得出,在水分胁迫下,MDA与耐旱性呈负相关。

    MDA contents change , protective enzyme and amylase activities in buds and seedling of 5 wheat varieties of different drought tolerances were studied .

  11. 较大的πP值(指绝对值,以下同)及较低的RWC值是耐旱性强的生理特征。

    The higher value of π _P ( absolute value ) and lower value of RWC are physiological features of stronger drought-endurance .

  12. 耐旱性品种比不耐旱性品种具有较低的质膜透性和MDA含量,同时具有较高的SOD、CAT和POD活性。

    The drought-tolerant cultivars had lower permeability of plasma membrane and content of MDA than the drought-sensitive , with higher activities of SOD , POD and CAT .

  13. 综合分析认为,臭椿具有一定的耐旱性,在实验室环境条件下,臭椿种子萌发及其幼苗可忍受5.0%~7.5%的PEG渗透胁迫。

    Altissima showed some drought resistance characteristics that could tolerant the osmotic stress of 5.0 % to 7.5 % PEG treatment under lab condition .

  14. 用SOD指标值以Scott-Knott法聚类,聚类结果将供试材料分成耐旱性较强、较弱两大类。

    According to SOD activity by Scott - Knott clustering , the inbred lines can be divided into two classes : the stronger and the weaker drought tolerance .

  15. 通过不同时期,不同浓度的Spm和NO对山黧豆耐旱性和毒素合成的影响。

    Through different growth stages , various concentrations of Spm and NO had impact on drought tolerance and grass pea toxin synthesis .

  16. 转甜菜碱醛脱氢酶(BADH)基因小麦的耐盐耐旱性

    Salt and Drought Stress Tolerance in Transgenic Wheat Expressing Betaine Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Gene

  17. 9526、L16和9603三个自交系为耐旱性较弱的自交系。

    The 9526 、 L16 and 9603 were low rate drought tolerance .

  18. 在此基础上,对耐旱性的基因效应和遗传模型进行了研究,并对强耐旱自交系在mRNA水平和蛋白质水平的表达差异进行了分析鉴定。

    Based on these results , the gene effects and hereditary models of drought tolerance in maize were studied . The expressional differences of mRNA and proteins were displayed and analyzed with strong drought tolerance inbred line .

  19. 我国水稻常用保持系穗期耐旱性测评及育性分析水稻生长早期耐冷性的QTL定位研究

    Evaluation of Drought Tolerance and Fertility Traits for Rice Maintainer Lines Extensively Used in China Study on QTL Mapping of Cold Tolerance during Early Growth Period in Rice

  20. 而H2O2处理后耐旱性较强的品种能提高过氧化氢酶活性。

    Superoxide dismutase and peroxidase were much higher than that in drought-sensitive cultivar after treatment of paraquat , and the increase in activity of catalase was more significantly after treatment of H2O2 than that in drought-sensitive cultivar .

  21. 然而,至今仍不知道内源表达Harpin编码基因是否也能增强植物耐旱性。

    So far it is still unknown whether genetic transformation of Harpin-encoding genes improves plant tolerance to drought .

  22. 我国主要玉米自交系的耐旱性分析及苗期耐旱性QTL发掘5种常绿阔叶树幼苗的耐旱性和耐寒性研究

    Genetic Variation in Relation to Drought Tolerance in Chinese Maize Inbred Lines and QTL Identification at Seedling Stage ; Studies on Drought-resistance and Cold-resistance in Five Specie Tree Seedlings of Evergreen Broad-leaved

  23. 耐旱性玉米自交系的增加幅度显著高于干旱敏感玉米自交系,降低幅度小于干旱敏感玉米自交系。并且,干旱胁迫下,根系中SOD、POD、CAT的活性均大于叶片中的活性。

    The increasing range of drought-tolerant inbred line was more than that of drought-susceptible line , but the decreased range was less than drought-susceptible line . The activities of SOD , POD and CAT in root were higher than in leaf . 4 .

  24. 以甘薯品种栗子香的胚性悬浮细胞为材料,用PEG6000和NaCl分别作为耐旱性和耐盐性选择剂,对甘薯耐旱、耐盐突变体离体筛选的适宜选择压和筛选方法进行研究。

    In vitro selection of drought - and salt-tolerant mutants in sweetpotato ( cv . Lizixiang ) was studied by using PEG 6000 and NaCl as selection stress of drought-and salt-tolerances , respectively .

  25. 结果表明:被测树木小枝初始质壁分离时的整体渗透势(πP)及与其相对应的小枝整体相对含水量(RWC)可以作为比较树木耐旱性强弱的生理指标。

    The results showed that the whole Osmotic Potential (π _P ) and Relative Water Content ( RWC ) of measured branches in the early period when the protoplasm separated from the cell wall could be used as physiological index for comparing the drought-endurance of trees .

  26. 文章综述了VA菌根在干旱胁迫条件下对宿主植物形态、代谢、渗透适应的影响以及VA菌根可能提高宿主抗/耐旱性的机制。

    The paper summarized the effects of VAM on morphology , metabolism and protected adaptation of host plant in the condition of drought stress . Mechanisms that VAM can enhance resistance of drought stress in host plant were also discussed in this paper .

  27. 结果表明:经2/3胚根切剪处理后D值较对照(T1)提高了0.637,显著提高黄瓜植株的耐旱性;在日光温室越冬栽培中可增强植株长势,增加产量,平均增产幅度为10.8%。

    The result indicated that 2 / 3 length of Embryonic-root cutting could improve the drought resistance and D value exceeded control ( T1 ) 0.637 . This treatment developed impetus of cucumber which plant in Greenhouse and increased fruit yield by 10.8 % .

  28. 采用室内模拟盐、旱胁迫,结合田间实际测定的方法,对基因枪法获得的转BADH基因小麦多个株系的不同世代材料进行了耐盐、耐旱性鉴定。

    Assay for salt tolerance and drought resistance of transgenic wheat expressing betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase , obtained through particle gun method , were conducted under simulated salt / drought stress condition .

  29. 用60Coγ射线和叠氮化钠(NaN3)处理玉米愈伤组织,在含1.0%NaCl的高渗培养基上筛选,对再生植株株系进行耐旱性鉴定。

    Maize callus was mutated by () ~ ( 60 ) Co γ - ray and sodium azide ( NaN_3 ), and screened on high osmotic medium with 1.0 % NaCl . The lines of the regenerated plants were identified for their drought tolerance .

  30. 驼绒藜属牧草种子水分生理及幼苗耐旱性研究

    Study on the Moisture Physiology and Drought Resistance of Ceratoides Seeds