- drought tolerance;drought hardiness

Chloroplast fluorescence parameters , MDA content and plasma membrane permeability in sugarcane and their relation to drought tolerance
Mapping and Analysis of QTL for Drought Tolerance in Crops
By means of using the minimum value of π _P and the annual variation value of π _P express the drought-endurance , the results are satisfactory .
Appli-cation of PV-curve in Evaluating Poplar Drought Tolerance
Study on Drought-resistance Evaluation of Common Afforestation Species in North China by PV Technique
Ethylene and polyamine could condition each other in maize leaves under water stress , while polyamine could adjust the biosynthesis of DNA and protein .
Drought Tolerance Analysis of Main Processing Tomato Cultivars from Xinjiang by PEG Stress during Germination Stage
Genotype and QTL analysis of drought tolerance loci for directional population in soybean
Effects of NaCl stress on growth and content of several solutes of Wheat Cultivars with different drought-tolerance
MDA contents change , protective enzyme and amylase activities in buds and seedling of 5 wheat varieties of different drought tolerances were studied .
The higher value of π _P ( absolute value ) and lower value of RWC are physiological features of stronger drought-endurance .
The drought-tolerant cultivars had lower permeability of plasma membrane and content of MDA than the drought-sensitive , with higher activities of SOD , POD and CAT .
Altissima showed some drought resistance characteristics that could tolerant the osmotic stress of 5.0 % to 7.5 % PEG treatment under lab condition .
According to SOD activity by Scott - Knott clustering , the inbred lines can be divided into two classes : the stronger and the weaker drought tolerance .
Through different growth stages , various concentrations of Spm and NO had impact on drought tolerance and grass pea toxin synthesis .
Salt and Drought Stress Tolerance in Transgenic Wheat Expressing Betaine Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Gene
The 9526 、 L16 and 9603 were low rate drought tolerance .
Based on these results , the gene effects and hereditary models of drought tolerance in maize were studied . The expressional differences of mRNA and proteins were displayed and analyzed with strong drought tolerance inbred line .
Evaluation of Drought Tolerance and Fertility Traits for Rice Maintainer Lines Extensively Used in China Study on QTL Mapping of Cold Tolerance during Early Growth Period in Rice
Superoxide dismutase and peroxidase were much higher than that in drought-sensitive cultivar after treatment of paraquat , and the increase in activity of catalase was more significantly after treatment of H2O2 than that in drought-sensitive cultivar .
So far it is still unknown whether genetic transformation of Harpin-encoding genes improves plant tolerance to drought .
Genetic Variation in Relation to Drought Tolerance in Chinese Maize Inbred Lines and QTL Identification at Seedling Stage ; Studies on Drought-resistance and Cold-resistance in Five Specie Tree Seedlings of Evergreen Broad-leaved
The increasing range of drought-tolerant inbred line was more than that of drought-susceptible line , but the decreased range was less than drought-susceptible line . The activities of SOD , POD and CAT in root were higher than in leaf . 4 .
In vitro selection of drought - and salt-tolerant mutants in sweetpotato ( cv . Lizixiang ) was studied by using PEG 6000 and NaCl as selection stress of drought-and salt-tolerances , respectively .
The results showed that the whole Osmotic Potential (π _P ) and Relative Water Content ( RWC ) of measured branches in the early period when the protoplasm separated from the cell wall could be used as physiological index for comparing the drought-endurance of trees .
The paper summarized the effects of VAM on morphology , metabolism and protected adaptation of host plant in the condition of drought stress . Mechanisms that VAM can enhance resistance of drought stress in host plant were also discussed in this paper .
The result indicated that 2 / 3 length of Embryonic-root cutting could improve the drought resistance and D value exceeded control ( T1 ) 0.637 . This treatment developed impetus of cucumber which plant in Greenhouse and increased fruit yield by 10.8 % .
Assay for salt tolerance and drought resistance of transgenic wheat expressing betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase , obtained through particle gun method , were conducted under simulated salt / drought stress condition .
Maize callus was mutated by () ~ ( 60 ) Co γ - ray and sodium azide ( NaN_3 ), and screened on high osmotic medium with 1.0 % NaCl . The lines of the regenerated plants were identified for their drought tolerance .
Study on the Moisture Physiology and Drought Resistance of Ceratoides Seeds