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  • 网络Archaeologist;archeologist
  1. 外国的考古学者们联翩而至。

    Foreign archaeologists are arriving one after another .

  2. 考古学者推断那只花瓶大约有三千五百年之久。

    The archaeologist estimated that the vase was 3 500 years old .

  3. 认为考古学者的观点与文献记载及情理有不符之处。

    Think archaeological scholars and literature and the reason there are discrepancies .

  4. 最好的考古学者已经将荷马驳倒了。

    The best antiquaries have now confuted homer .

  5. 您仅仅曾经是一名考古学者。

    You used to be an archaeologist .

  6. 同时,各省考古学者也对其它省近期有关周代及战国时期的考古发现作了报告。

    Moreover , archaeologists also delivered some reports on recent archeological discovery of Zhou dynasty and War Period .

  7. 考古学者曾在黑龙江省依兰县第三纪的地层中发现莲叶化石。

    The archaeological scholar once had found the lotus leaf fossils in tertiary period stratum in Yilan County of Heilongjiang Province ( middle reach of Songhua River ) .

  8. 星期六,在离汕头不远的中国南部海岸,因为恶劣的天气原因,考古学者不得不放下南澳打捞使命稍作休息了。

    Off the coasts of Shantou City in South China , stormy weather is forcing underwater archeological worker to take a break from the much-publicized Nan Ao mission on Saturday .

  9. 对于考古学者来说,通过测算玻璃陨石的产生年代,以及出土时所处的层位,可以提供相关的地质背景信息,从而推算出远古人类历史文化的时间表。

    For archaeologists , it can provide background information related to geological through the meteorite by measuring the production of glass age and time in which the layer come up out of land , so that calculate the schedule of ancient human history and culture .

  10. 饮食考古应当引起学者们的重视。

    Diet archaeological shall cause the attention of scholars .

  11. 近几十年来,对华夏文明史之有关问题,大量的考古及其众多专家学者在对华夏民族早期历史的研究发现,与传统的史系特别是史前史框架发生了尖锐的冲突。

    In recent years , a host of archeological researches and discoveries made by many experts and specialists have shown that questions related to the Chinese history of civilization clash sharply with traditional history family , especially with the framework of prehistory .

  12. 面对这两种截然不同的观点,结合文献和考古报告,对考古学者的观点提出一些质疑。

    In the face of these two contrasting perspectives , Based on the literatures and archaeological report , On the views of scholars put forward some questions in archaeology .