
  1. 该杂志称,乡村音乐歌手TaylorSwift最为耀眼夺目。

    And it says country music singer Taylor Swift has the best sparkle .

  2. 同一个世界,同一个梦想,我们与中国一起耀眼夺目!

    One World , One Dream , Let 's Shine With China .

  3. 夜间,在灯火的辉映下,这些建筑看上去更是耀眼夺目。

    At night , with lights on , they look just fantastic .

  4. 他的音乐诗耀眼夺目,使唐代的诗歌形式更加丰富。

    The form of Tang poetry was enriched by his dazzling music poems .

  5. 玻璃总是显得很美丽,而且在灯光下看上去耀眼夺目。

    Glass always takes a nice polish and looks nice under the light .

  6. 许多建筑群上装饰着耀眼夺目的霓虹灯,那是宣传商品和娱乐节目的广告牌。

    Many of them are decorated with bright neon signs advertising goods and entertainments .

  7. 披风是深蓝色的,而且耀眼夺目。

    It was dark blue and shiny .

  8. 它是明亮如阳光的生命,但却并不耀眼夺目。

    It is the life which is as bright as light , but does not dazzle .

  9. 星条旗在“黎明的曙光”中耀眼夺目,飘扬在麦克亨利堡之上。

    Our star-spangled banner flew above Fort McHenry in the " Dawn 's Early Light . "

  10. 她的美比月光更耀眼夺目。

    Her beauty is so great that it is more blinding than the light of the moon .

  11. 把放大镜置于阳光下,放大镜下面会形成一个耀眼夺目的光斑即焦点。

    Put a magnifier under the sun and you will find a dazzling bright spot under the magnifier .

  12. 我喜欢许多衣服。但一双耀眼夺目的鞋子却实在让我无法抵抗。

    I like most kinds of clothes , but a good pair of shoes can just reduce me to jelly .

  13. 这个重要的时刻是一座里程碑,代表了芭比50年的美丽迷人与耀眼夺目。

    Well , it 's a momentous occasion . It 's a milestone . I mean 50 years of looking fabulous , glamorous .

  14. 英国王冠是公认的由许多最耀眼夺目的宝石打造而成。

    The Crown Jewels of England are considered by many to be the most ostentatious and impressive set of precious jewels in existence .

  15. 利拉德:他们说真相会是光明的,所以每个人都在阴影下面,因为你过于耀眼夺目。

    Damian Lillard : They say the truth shall come to the light , so everybody grab ya shades cuz ya boy that bright .

  16. 34岁的凯特穿上这件价值1580英镑的长裙耀眼夺目。它是由一位相对不怎么知名的设计师芭芭拉·卡萨索拉设计的,该设计师出生于巴西,现居伦敦,曾在中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院学习。

    Kate , 34 , sported the £ 1580 gown by relatively unknown Brazilian-born , London-based designer Barbara Casasola - who studied at Central Saint Martins .

  17. 宋代建盏文化已成为中国陶瓷史中耀眼夺目的一章,她以悠久的历史、独特的体系和辉煌的成就为中国陶瓷艺术做出了重要的贡献。

    Jian Teacup Culture has become a splendid chapter in Chinese ceramics history , with its long history , unique system and brilliant achievement Jian Teacup culture has made great contribution to Chinese ceramic art .

  18. 托尔斯泰作品中的女性形象在世界文学之林中耀眼夺目,但她们并不是以世俗眼中的容貌取胜,而是以外表与内心,热情与道德,个人与家庭、社会的统一令人瞩目。

    The female images as portrayed in the works by Leo Tolstoy are brilliant , not for the physical beauty from common views , but for the unification of outward appearance and heart , enthusiasm and morality , individual and family , and society .

  19. 夏季奥运会的闭幕式与开幕式一样耀眼夺目,也有一大批舞蹈演员,杂技演员,鼓手和奥运会的运动员。同时还包括了2012年奥运会的举办城市伦敦的展示。

    The closing ceremonies for the Summer Games included the same dramatic flare at the opening ceremonies , with an army of dancers , acrobats and drummers and the parade of the athletes filling the field , but also included a show within the show by London , host of the 2012 Games .

  20. 这个别名源于好莱坞和电影业耀眼、夺目,时常又有些虚幻的特质。

    This nickname comes from the shiny , bright and often unreal nature of Hollywood and the movie industry .