
duō xiāng guǒ
  • allspice
多香果[duō xiāng guǒ]
  1. 芳香的西印度的树,可产出多香果浆果。

    Aromatic West Indian tree that produces allspice berries .

  2. 这些香料包括丁香,桂皮,多香果,姜和肉豆蔻。

    These spices include clove , cinnamon , allspice , ginger , and nutmeg .

  3. 牙买加多香果有丁香似的香气,而洪都拉斯和墨西哥的品种则是有一种洗发水的香味。

    Jamaican Allspice has a clove-like aroma while the Honduran and Guatemalan varieties have a characteristic bay-rum flavor .

  4. 他身上散发着多香果的味道,有点秃顶,只有头顶边缘长着稀疏而有光泽的白头发。

    He smelled like Allspice . The top of his head was shiny and bald with a pure white fringe of abundant shiny hair around the sides of his head .

  5. 烤鸡使用的调味汁是由苏格兰帽椒、多香果浆果、葱、嫩姜调制而成的,而熏制过程中甘胡椒所散发的甜香味为其带来了一股特殊的水果香气。

    The sweet notes of the pimento smoke add complexity to the fruity heat of the jerk marinade : a blend of Scotch bonnet peppers , allspice berries , green onions and fresh ginger .

  6. 多香果粉是一种小型常绿树-多香果辣椒-上的浆果干碾磨而成。

    Allspice is the dried , unripened fruit of a small evergreen tree , the Pimenta Dioica .