
fān yì qǐ shǐ yīn zǐ
  • translation initiation factor
  1. 蛋白翻译起始因子C2在原发性肝细胞肝癌中表达的意义

    Significance of translation initiation factor C_2 expression in hepatocellular carcinoma tissues

  2. 日本血吸虫真核生物翻译起始因子2α亚基全长cDNA的克隆与功能分析

    Cloning and function analysis of full-length cDNA sequence of Schistosoma japonicum eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 alpha subunit

  3. 蛋白翻译起始因子C2在结、直肠癌中表达的意义

    Expression significance of translation initiation factor C2 gene in colorectal cancer tissue

  4. 蛋白翻译起始因子C2在消化道肿瘤中的表达和意义

    The Expression and Significance of Protein Translation Initiation Factors C2 in Digestive System Neoplasms

  5. C2基因是在肝癌研究过程中克隆出的人源性真核细胞蛋白翻译起始因子。

    C2 gene is a new cloned human eukaryotic translation factor during the study of hepatic carcinoma .

  6. 真核生物翻译起始因子5A的结构与功能研究进展

    Structure and function of eukaryotic initiation factor 5A : recent progress in research

  7. 蛋白翻译起始因子C2在肝癌、胃癌中的表达与分布

    The expression and distribution of protein translation initiation factors C2 gene in hepatocellular carcinoma and gastric cancer tissue

  8. 真核细胞翻译起始因子4E在子宫内膜癌中的表达及意义

    Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 4e Expression in Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma and Its Significance

  9. 1个基因与翻译起始因子eIF成员有高的同源性。

    One gene is highly homologous to the translation initiation factor eIF .

  10. 真核细胞翻译起始因子4E及基质金属蛋白酶-9在声门上喉癌和下咽癌转移淋巴结中的表达

    Expression and clinical value of eukaryotic initiation factor 4E and matrix metalloproteinase-9 in supraglottic and hypopharyngeal carcinoma and metastasic lymph

  11. 一般说来,蛋白激酶R(PKR)介导的磷酸化反应和翻译起始因子eIF-2α的失活,导致蛋白翻译的抑制,细胞凋亡。

    Generally , protein kinase R ( PKR ) mediated phosphating reaction and dysfunction of initiation factor eIF-2 α resulted in inhibition of protein translation and cell apoptosis .

  12. 真核生物的翻译起始因子5A(eIF5A)是调控生物生长发育、衰老及环境适应等的重要因子。

    Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A ( eIF5A ) is involved in cell proliferation , senescence , development and environmental response .

  13. 真核生物起始因子5(eIF5)是一种重要的翻译起始因子,过去人们认为它只是GTP酶活化因子,催化eIF2上的GTP水解,促进80S起始复合体的形成。

    Eukaryotic initiation factor 5 ( eIF-5 ) is an important factor in translation initiation . It acts as a GTPase activating factor to mediate the hydrolysis of GTP binding to eIF-2 which is essential for the composition of functional 80S complex .

  14. 真核翻译起始因子与肿瘤

    Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factors and Tumor

  15. 真核细胞翻译起始因子-4E;

    Eukaryotic cell translation initiation-eIF4E gene ;

  16. 斑节对虾真核生物翻译起始因子3亚基4(btseIF3g)序列分析及组织表达特性

    Sequence analysis of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit G ( eIF3g ) of black tiger shrimp ( Penaeus monodon ) and its mRNA tissue expression

  17. 异常的翻译调控可以导致细胞的恶性转化以及翻译起始因子和信号传导通路的改变。

    Aberrant control of translation could result in cell transformation , and changes in the expression of key initiation factors or the signaling pathways that regulated them were often observed in tumors .