- downstream sequence

Conclusion Our data suggest that antisense ODNs complementary to the initiation codon of IGF-IR mRNA and its downstream sequence can effectively prevent the translation of the target mRNA into protein product , thus block or weaken the expression of IGF-IR .
Effect of Downstream Sequence on the Cleavage of Envelop Protein 1 Signal Sequence in Hepatitis C Virus
A new framework , named Information Entropy Model of Sliding Window ( IEMSW ), was proposed to effectively analyze the structural information contained in the 3 ' - UTR sequences around the polyadenylation site . 3 .
According to upstream and downstream sequences of gsp genes , we designed 12 the best primers of gsp genes with the primer design softwares .
To date , similar observations were only reported for the processing of IL 12 signal sequence and the C / prM site of flavivirus .
For the vector concatenation of upstream and downstream sequences , the average classification accuracies are 94.68 % and 94.83 % for 4-tuple and 5-tuple content respectively .
Design and Implementation of DB Sequence Optimization Software
The homologous recombination vector pMAD Δ nos was constructed by the ligating the upstream and downstream sequences of nos acquired by PCR , and the spectinomycin resistance gene into shuttle vector pMAD .
The different SD sequences can affect the expression of LT-B gene a little .
The α - globin gene of yak was amplified and cloned by using the primers based on the conserved region of the upstream from the initiation codon and the downstream from the termination codon .
The correlation of precipitation between simulated and reconstructed is better in the middle and lower Yangtze River Valley than in East China , especially before 1850 .
Study on human P53 downstream genes ' consensus sequences
Methods The amplified prM gene was cloned into the Sp6 promoter downstream of pSfV vector and its nucleotide sequence was determined .
Gli , a zinc finger transcription factor in the vertebral HH signaling pathway , combines to the special sequences of distal HH targeted genes and directly controls the transcription of targeted genes , playing a key role in HH signaling pathway .
Both spectral and cross spectral analysis show that floods and droughts in the middle reaches of the Changjiang River is significantly relevant to sunspot activities with a chronological cycle of 10.2 years , 11 years and 11.5 years ;